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Sally 4th

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Community Spotlight: Viking Raiders, Burma British & Trench Crusade!


Join us for this week's Community Spotlight as we have a peek at some ace Viking raiders, the British in sweltering Burma and a something different with Trench Crusade!

Cult Of Games XLBS: Convention Game Ideas; How Big Would You Go?


Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS this week as we sit down and discuss event/convention games and what ideas we have for our own! Do you think we've hit on some great convention game ideas or are we over-reaching? Which of these would you love to play if you were attending an event like Salute or UK Games Expo?

Germanic Hordes Rampage From Sally 4th’s New Campaign


Sally 4th is back on Kickstarter with a new campaign that is looking to help you build some epic Ancient armies in 28mm. Campaign one covered the Romans and this second campaign is focused on the Germanic hordes.

Tell The Story Of Rob Roy With Sally 4th’s New Kickstarter


Sally 4th are on Kickstarter right now with a new set of 28mm metal miniatures for telling the story of Rob Roy! Inspired by the classic tale, you'll be able to get your hands on miniatures representing the characters from Rob Roy alongside Highlander warriors.

The Barons’ War Goes On Crusade – Brilliant New Miniatures For Historical Wargaming! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! If you're into Historical Wargaming, you'll want to watch this episode. We dive into loads of games and ranges including seeing The Barons' War go on Crusade with the new Outremer supplement from Footsore Miniatures & Games. 

Sally 4th Bring Metal, Plastic & 3D Printable Vikings To Kickstarter


Sally 4th are currently on Kickstarter right now looking to fund their collection of 28mm Viking miniatures for use in your Historical wargames. This Viking Saga comes with a neat twist in that the miniatures are available as 3D printable files, plastic miniatures and in metal.

Sally 4th Take the Second Star To The Right With A New Model Range


Sally 4th has just announced a new range of Victorian figures sculpted by Iain Lovecraft with their new range Second Star to the Right. 

Clash With Sally 4th’s 28mm Royal Marines In The Caribbean


Sally 4th has added a bunch of 28mm Royal Marines into the mix for those having a crack at piratical swashbuckling adventures during 1704. 

Sally 4th Release New Legends Of Robin Hood 28mm Miniatures


I really do like Robin Hood and his Legends. I think it comes from my love of archery and anyone who shoots a badass bow and arrow. It also helps that I probably watched a lot of the Robin Of Sherwood AND Maid Marien And Her Merry Men. So, it was awesome to see that Sally 4th has released a range of miniatures!

Pre-Orders Now Live For Buck Surdu’s Skirmisher Feudal Patrol


Sally 4th has fired up pre-orders for Buck Surdu's new skirmish miniatures game, Feudal Patrol, which allows you to play out clashes from the Ancient period through to Medieval times.

Weekender: WIN Warhammer 40K Indomitus + Fantastic Wild West & Pirate Miniatures


This week on The Weekender we're looking at a cool new Ultra Modern wargame called Battlespace plus delving into the Black Scorpion Miniatures range in Indie Of The Week. Also, Kickstarters and much more too!

Battle In Sally 4th’s Wars Of Ozz; Coming To Kickstarter Soon


Sally 4th is coming to Kickstarter on 27th June with their campaign to bring the Wars Of Ozz to life on the tabletop.

Sally 4th Lay Down Some Covering Fire In Albedo (ACP)


Sally 4th has been showing off some new releases for the Sci-Fi and Anthropomorphic world of Albedo Combat Patrol.

Sally 4th Explore Classic Movies In Whiteout Kickstarter


Sally 4th is on Kickstarter right now as they dive into a campaign all about creating miniatures for those that love their movies set out in the colds of an arctic Whiteout.

Send Badgers Into Battle With Sally 4th’s New Heads


Sally 4th have been adding some new conversion bitz into the mix for those playing Albedo or just looking to anthropomorphise their tabletop soldiers.

Albedo Protesters & Critter Conversions From Sally 4th


Sally 4th continue to build up their Albedo Combat Patrol range with two new sets.

Let’s Play: Albedo Combat Patrol – City Search


Chris from Sally 4th returns to the studio to play another scenario of Albedo Combat Patrol.

The History Of Albedo Combat Patrol

6 years ago 4

Chris from Sally 4th hops into the studio to give Justin a lore rundown of the Albedo universe and where Albedo Combat Patrol fits in.

Let’s Play: Albedo Combat Patrol – Burrow Station Scenario

6 years ago 7

Today Justin joins Mike from Sally 4th to play a custom scenario of Albedo Combat Patrol.

Let’s Play: Albedo Combat Patrol Round Breakdown

6 years ago 8

Today Justin is met with Chris from Sally 4th to play a little Round Breakdown of Albedo Combat Patrol.

Weekender: Speed Freeks; The Next Big Winner For Games Workshop?


We're talking Orkish nonsense today discussing Speed Freeks AND talking with Sally 4th about the world of Albedo Combat Patrol.

Albedo Combat Patrol ACP164 With Sally 4th

6 years ago 10

Today Sally 4th have joined the studio to talk about their new kickstarter game Albedo Combat Patrol.

Sally 4th Releases New Albedo Combat Patrol Range


Sally 4th has now released their new Albedo Combat Patrol which has anthropomorphic soldiers battling it out in the far future. 

Snap Up A Swanky Deck Holder For Pulp Alley By Sally 4th


Sally 4th has added this new Card Dispenser/Deck Holder to their webstore for those who love themselves a bit of Pulp adventure in Pulp Alley.

Weekender: Wolsung Boot Camp Announced Set Sail For Blood & Plunder Week!


A Wolsung Boot Camp announced and Six-Day War battles to fight in this week's show!

Jet Away To An African Airport From Sally 4th


If you're looking to build up a tabletop for an African war zone, or an adventure set out in the grasslands then you might want to check out the African Airport being built by Sally 4th.

Sally 4th Bridges Over Some Tabletop Troubled Water


Sally 4th has come up with some really nice bridges for your next wargame.

Sally 4th Mount Up In A New Chieftain Main Battle Tank


Adding to their rather wide-ranging collection Sally 4th has now got a new Chieftain Main Battle Tank to offer up for those who want to grow their 1/56th or 28mm collection.

Head To Exotic Locations With Sally 4th’s New Terrain On IndieGoGo


Sally 4th are on IndieGoGo with some new terrain for creating Historical and Pulp tabletops that would make a great basis for your adventures. See what you think of their Exotic Locations.

Combat Patrol To Be Released By Sally 4th In UK & EU


Sally 4th has announced that they have been granted the UK and EU licenseto publish and release the card driven miniatures rule set Combat Patrol.

Sally 4th Makes Normandy Buildings Easy With Their Latest Kickstarter


Are you looking for a quick and easy way to set the scene for your historical games? Sally 4th has a brilliant little project on Kickstarter with quick and easy terrain in their Normandy Photo-realistic 28mm Terrain project.

Sally 4th Releases Terra Block Warehouse


Sally 4th has a nice new set out for a centerpiece for your game table.

Sally 4th Answers Clearly Sees The Problem With Bases


Sally 4th has offered some options for those that need to change from square to round bases.

Sally 4th Gives Us An Interior For the Public House


Sally for continues developing their line of photorealistc terrain, this time with interiors.

Bring Some Realism to Your Terrain From Sally 4th


Sally 4th has created a new option to add a little "realism" to your terrain.

Join The Roaring Crowd At The Jousting With Sally 4th!


Will you be joining the big crowd at the Jousting or Melee events with this bit of set dressing from Sally 4th?

New Fantasy Football Stadium Released from Sally 4th


Own a fantasy sports team? Now you can own a stadium too! Check out the new stadium pieces from Sally 4th.

You Can See Right Through Sally 4th’s New Clear Bases


Sally 4th recently released a new set of clear plastic bases for your minis and have now increased this range with larger scale ones suitable for your more massive miniatures.

Bring Your Pulp Adventure to Sally 4th’s Warehouse


One of the mainstay locations of pulp adventures is, of course, warehouses, whether this be for a clandestine meeting for gangsters or a secret meeting place of a local cult. Now Sally 4th have built their own warehouse for your own pulp games.

Terra-Blocks, Another Piece To The Terrain Puzzle


Options, we are all looking for terrain options when it comes to our terrain. Sally 4th offers a new modular terrain system for your gaming table.

Sally 4th Defend a Keep of Warmaster Scale


Anyone else remember Games Workshop's epic 10mm scale game of Warmaster? Well those of you who do will be happy as Sally 4th have a new small scale keep to wage war upon.

Set Up A Castle Of Your Own With Sally 4th


If you want to dive into some siege warfare on a grand (but small) scale then you might want to check out these castles from Sally 4th. They have been built with Warmaster in mind!

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