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Spartan Games

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5 Tabletop Wargames I’d Love To Return To – What’s On Your List?

10 months ago 22

Ben discusses five games that he either completely missed out on or regrets not playing more of. What's on your list and are there some games here that you're mad you missed out on?

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Old Games Would You Dig Up?


We're back for another Cult Of Games XLBS where Ben, Gerry and Lloyd are venturing into the topic of extinct games which should maybe be given a chance to return to life!

Weekender XLBS: Lloyd Joins The Furries & Games Changing Hands


We're talking furries, terrain crafting, project monitoring and trains (can you tell Lloyd is in the show?) today on Weekender XLBS!

Weekender XLBS: Mind-Melting Trees & Do Games Ever Really Die?


We pinch a topic from the forums and ask whether or not games truly die...and Warren melts Justin's mind with trees!

Spartan Games Ceases Trading


Producers of Firestorm Armada and Dystopian Wars have issued a statement on Friday 25th August 2017

Spartan Games Announce Firestorm: Strike Force


Spartan Games set out to create a fast, furious and ready to play from the box space fighter in their Firestorm setting

Hit The High Seas With Dystopian War’s Republic Of Egypt Fleet


Making their way into the Mediterranean and then out towards the Atlantic we have the new Republic Of Egypt Naval Battle Group from the folks at Spartan Games for Dystopian Wars.

Spartan Games Tease Firestorm Armada 3.0


Looking ahead to what's new from Spartan Games it looks like they have their eye set on Firestorm Armada and the 3.0 Edition of the game.

Halo’s Phoenix Class Colony Ship Coming Soon From Spartan Games


If you're a UNSC player and are looking for some new ships then you'll be glad to know that the Phoenix Class Colony Ship is coming soon from Spartan Games for Halo: Fleet Battles.

New Cruisers Hove Into View For Spartan’s Halo: Fleet Battles


Spartan Games has added two new ships to their collection for fans of Halo: Fleet Battles. Both the UNSC and the Covenant are going to be getting some big Cruisers for you to play with.

The Spartan Scenic Terrain Range Blows Up Buildings & Fortifications


Spartan Games has added to their Spartan Scenics range this month with the release of some new terrain kits showing off a ruined and blasted landscape on the tabletop.

Drop Into Battle With New UNSC & Covenant Packs From Spartan Games


Spartan Games continue to grow their Halo: Ground Command range with some new releases for February. These new packs have a sense of tactical mastery about them as your troops drop in from the skies.

New Blister Packs Available For Spartan’s Halo Ground Command


Spartan Games are putting together a selection of Blister Packs for Halo: Ground Command and within this selection we're taking a look at some of the new models for both the UNSC and the Covenant!

Weekender XLBS: Christmas Hobby Time Plans & A Yeti Mystery!


Join us for a nice relaxed morning (or whenever you hope to be watching!) of XLBS with us. It's time to dive into some great hobby discussion and more...

Dystopian World Expansion Has Launched On Kickstarter From Spartan Games


Spartan Games heard you and now has gone to Kickstarter to help expand their Dystopian world.

Spartan’s Dystopian Wars Kickstarter Details Emerge


Spartan Games have revealed some more details as to what they're aiming to do when they hit Kickstarter this month, expanding on the world of Dystopian Wars.

Spartan Games Next Dystopian Legion Kickstarter On Hold?


Spartan Games has heard you and have an announcement about their upcoming Kickstarter.

Spartan Roll Out The Scorpion & Wraith For Halo: Ground Command


Set for release sometime in October some more additions to the forces of the UNSC and Covenant are hitting the tabletop from Spartan Games for Halo: Ground Command.

Drill For Sturginium With A New Dystopian Wars Rig


Spartan Games have been tinkering away on more models for use in Dystopian Wars including this Sturginium Drilling Rig that would look good on land or at sea.

Weekender: TTCombat Mega Terrain Prize & White Dwarf Back With A Bang


TTCombat talk Carnevale, we give away a MASSIVE terrain bundle prize and get stuck into the news from a week in tabletop gaming...

Spartan Show Off New Terrain & Support Units For Halo Ground Command


Spartan Games have shown off some of the new products coming this September for Halo: Ground Command. New support options and terrain are on the way this month.

Spartan’s Halo Ground Command Miniatures Painted Up!


Spartan Games have now shown off the full contents of the Halo: Ground Command, Battle For Reach Two Player Set and they are beautifully painted!

Spartan Games Unveil The Halo: Ground Command Cover


Spartan Games are moving deeper into the Halo world with Ground Command and have just revealed the cover art for both the rule book and the two player starter set that are heading our way.

Weekender XLBS: Ghostbusters On The Tabletop & Screen + Hacking Into Android: Netrunner


Relax with us today as we delve into the hacker world of Android: Netrunner and Lloyd gives us his thoughts on Ghostbusters!

Spartan Talk Army Building In Halo: Ground Command


Spartan Games have been talking more about the way in which their upcoming game, Halo: Ground Command, is coming together.

Weekender XLBS: Team Yankee Sneak Peak & Win a Tanks Bundle!


Dropships For The Covenant & UNSC Join Halo: Ground Command Soon


The Covenant & UNSC are going to be clashing on the tabletop soon this summer as Spartan Games look ahead to the release of Halo: Ground Command.

Spartan Games Land You In The Action With Halo Pelican Dropship


Spartan Games took a sneaky pic of one of their prototype Pelican Dropships that will be making their way into Halo: Ground Command over the summer.

Weekender: Prodos Revolutionising Mini Casts & New Firestorm Taskforce


Weekender XLBS: Next Halo Space Game Revealed, More Tanks Info & Mega Terrain Chat


Weekender: Exclusive Halo Ground Command Interview & Flames Of War Heads To The Pacific


Welcome to the Weekend of Halo Ground Command, The Hunt For Red October Board Game and Win yourself a big Battlefront Premium Painted Terrain prize!

Fight The Battle For Iceland With Spartan’s Dystopian Two Player Set


If you're looking to add some more ships to your Spartan Games Dystopian Wars range, or you just want to get started, then see what you think of The Battle For Iceland which is their new two player set.

Halo: Ground Command Announced By Spartan Games


Spartan Games have announced the coming of a game based in the Halo-verse. This will be Halo: Ground Command which is a 15mm (1:100th) battle game where you'll be able to use all the classic Halo vehicles the UNSC and the Covenant have to offer.

Halo’s Covenant & UNSC Get Additional Support From Spartan Games


Spartan Games have now added some additional options for both the UNSC and the Covenant of Halo: Fleet Battles. Two new sets are on the way for each and they will be available towards the end of April.

Spartan Games Show Off New Relthoza & Terran Mechs


Spartan Games have taken to social media to show off a few new Mechs that will be fighting their way into the world of Firestorm Planetfall soon...

Get Support From The Orion Class Assault Carrier In Halo: Fleet Battles


Spartan Games have shown off one of the formations that they have been having a lot of fun with in the office. See what you think of the Orion-Class Assault Carrier for use in Halo: Fleet Battles...

Lady Liberty Fights for Freedom in Dystopian Wars


A true American icon is heading out onto the fields of Dystopian Wars as Spartan Games reveal this steampunk world's take on the statue of Liberty herself.

Winter Sales Watch – Found Any Good Bargains Online?

9 years ago 55

Just like last year now is the time where we start to see a lot of the bargains popping up online in time for Christmas. We've collated a few of them but this is by no means all of them...

Spartan Games Brings In The Big Ships For Halo: Fleet Battles


Spartan Games Halo:Fleet Battles is an impressive game in its own right, but now they add something truly impressive by offering supercarriers! Check these bad boys out for yourself.

The Mighty Svarog Lumbers Onto The Battlefields Of Dystopian Wars


Do you like big stompy robots? Do you like Dystopian Wars from Spartan Games? Well, see what you think of the massive Svarog which is the new Battle Robot serving the Russian Coalition. This is quite the beast...

3CU: How To Paint Halo Fleet Battles – UNSC Epoch-Class Heavy Carrier Part Two


In this episode Romain finishes work on the glow effects around the engines and begins work on the running lights on the sides of the ship...

3CU: How To Paint Halo Fleet Battles – UNSC Epoch-Class Heavy Carrier Part One


We're back with more from Romain as he begins work on another tutorial showing you how to paint one of the UNSC Epoch-Class Heavy Cruisers from Spartan Games' Halo Fleet Battles...

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