Community Spotlight: Frostgrave, The SAS & Mighty Beastmen For Age Of Sigmar

October 12, 2022 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Frostgrave by sundancer

We start off this week's Community Spotlight with a look at what sundancer has been up to. Frostgrave has been calling and with the game available in German, it's now time for sundancer to dive in and start painting up some miniatures to play the game with.

Frostgrave #2 by sundancer

It looks like some real fun has been had bringing this miniature collection to life. What's always nice about seeing Frostgrave miniatures is that you get to see all sorts of different paint schemes and ideas being fleshed out. You also get to see folks having a lot of fun painting up random Wizards, Apprentices and warband members that have just "caught their fancy".

Frostgrave #1 by sundancer

As you can see, things have been shaping up quite nicely. A bunch of sneaky Wizard have come together well to be used across a variety of warbands. I do like the spell for summoning the squirrel of doom. You'll also note that some terrain and objective markers have also been thrown into the mix and they have come together nicely. I love the look of the mighty horn and the huge skull.

Frostgrave #3 by sundancer

More is on the way for this Frostgrave collection as well. A band of Soldiers have been sighted on the painting table and they should be getting painted up in the near future. I am intrigued to see how varied they become as a force and how the different warbands turn out when they are all said and done. I do like how this shows off the variety available within the Frostgrave range and I hope for a bunch more!


02 Hundred Hours SAS by panzerkaput

Moving to the realm of the Historical, we're having a look at some work by panzerkaput on World War II and the game, 02 Hundred Hours.

SAS #1 by panzerkaput

This first set of miniatures has been painted up to bring us Captain William Vanderlyon and his Golden Lions. This is a fictional unit but one that has been designed to match the Boys Own/Battle/Commando comics feel of 02 Hundred Hours that panzerkaput likes.

SAS #2 by panzerkaput

This is an impressive project because all of the different steps have been broken down across the various posts. You've got sections dedicated to doing the skin, the uniforms, the berets and more. It's a solid tutorial for someone wanting to nail the look of the SAS for your games.

SAS #3 by panzerkaput

As you can see, they have come together very nicely here. The basing in particular is very nice because it looks like it would suit a range of different locations. Sure, they would work for Western Europe but I think these would also match well with a lot of other fronts too. The SAS can therefore head off to do their dirty work behind anyone's enemy lines.


Warhammer Age Of Sigmar by chaosgorka

Last but not least, we have some work by chaosgorka. They have been working on more Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and the formation of some Beastmen warbands. If you're fighting in the Realm Of Beasts then this might give you something fun to dive into scheme-wise.

Beastmen #1 by chaosgorka

I've never been overly wowed by the look of the Beastmen in miniature form within Warhammer. The most recent plastic kits are showing their age a little bit now and it feels like a shame that the Beastmen don't particularly match the way the artwork looks. Hopefully, with Chaos getting an update at the moment, the Beastmen won't be too far behind.

Beastmen #2 by chaosgorka

chaosgorka has done a solid job on these miniatures though and I do like the style that they use whenever it comes to painting. It always looks like the schemes would pop on the tabletop and it almost has a little bit of a comic book feel to it. The depth, highlighting and shading all works well.

Beastmen #3 by chaosgorka

The Beastmen have come together very nicely (and smartly) as part of the project and it is worth taking a closer look to see more of the finished miniatures. chaosgorka does solid work and it's always nice to see what they have been working on. Are you liking this scheme for the Beastmen?

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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