Community Spotlight: Myconid Mysteries, Godtear Warbands & WW2 Winter Germans

February 14, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


The Ritual by basicbrush

We start off this week with a look at a diorama that started out towards the end of last year. basicbrush was gripped by an idea for a diorama and so set about playing about the idea of a little band of mushroom men or myconids debating deep in the woods. That evolved into something of a ritual taking place and then after doing some early concept work with AI, they stepped into the process of actually bringing the diorama to life.

The Ritual #1 by Basicbrush

The final idea turned into a ritual taking place in the hollow of an ancient tree which mirrors the look of the Great Hollow in Dark Souls. A range of miniatures were sourced from the folks at Galaad Miniatures and 3D printed alongside a summoning circle that was found on MyMiniFactory.

The Ritual #2 by Basicbrush

The structure that the diorama then sits in was a mixture of Tinkercad, well, tinkering as well as applying various materials to the interior walls and the floor to build up the scene that you see here. This is a great example of using lots of different hobby techniques, from the old through to the new, to bring a project to life.

I like the finished look of the diorama with the myconids a little startled by the fact that they might have summoned some rather dangerous succubus into the centre of their woodland realm.

The Ritual #3 by Basicbrush

The finished "frame" for the diorama is available as a free download from basicbrush's project (linked above) and you can dive in and follow along with the creation of the piece there too. There are some good tips in there for those working with the likes of Tinkercad and also those more traditional hobby materials. I think the painting pops on the piece as well (as you can see here) and would be a great hobby project to show off in the cabinet now it's done.


Godtear by lawnor

Next up, we're returning to the world of Godtear with lawnor. Whilst this project has been around for a long time, lawnor recently found themselves playing a lot of games with a friend who was wondering whether or not they should sell their mammoth collection that had just been sitting around.

Godtear #1 by lawnor

This selection of champions were picked up during the Black Friday deals last year and were painted up over Christmas. As with all of lawnor's projects, they get done super quickly and to a great standard. I imagine it helps that the Godtear miniatures are so nice to work with. They have turned out really nicely here and it's good that the game is getting a proper showing on the tabletop.

Godtear #2 by lawnor

As lawnor says in their project, Godtear got painted up and then "the event" happened meaning that the game never got to the tabletop. Thanks to their friend wanting to get stuck in, they have managed to get the game to the tabletop and from all reports, it seems like it's a fun game worth trying out if you get the chance. The low model count and the uniqueness of the different heroes and their warbands means there should be something for everyone in there.

Godtear #3 by lawnor

I think you'll agree that the different miniatures painted up here by lawnor are top-notch and showcase some great painting skills. I quite like Jeen (the Goblin) but I think that Styx has to win for me. The scythe sells it for me! More of the painted miniatures are available for you to check out in the project link and if you're curious about Godtear, why not ask lawnor for some more opinions on it to see if it's worth diving in?


WWII Winter Germans by collins

Last but not least, we're looking to World War II and some updates on the Winter World War II project from collins. The Winter Offensive has begun and collins has been exploring painting up loads more troops and vehicles to slot into this force on the tabletop.

Winter Germans #1 by collins

Over the last while, the infantry has come on leaps and bounds and it has been ace seeing collins work on the different characters and troops that form the army. Winter-themed miniatures always look impressive as it's not a season that you see many miniatures fighting in. We tend to like our nice fields of grass and mud. Getting winter basing and the look of the troops right is key and I think that collins has done a superb job of that here.

Winter Germans #2 by collins

Some more Winter Germans got painted up quite recently as well (see above). This offered collins some more infantry to throw into the heat of battle as well as a tank crew which you can see by visiting the project. Again, the snowy bases look fantastic and I like that the white pops so well across the group. Still, it is punctuated with a good degree of shading and other spot colours that draw the eye.

Some of the most impressive additions to the army have been the vehicles, two of which you can see below.

Winter Germans #3 by collins

The chipping on these vehicles is spot on, marking them out as vehicles that have properly seen battle or at least the harsh weather of a frozen Europe. They are little mini works of art and I imagine someone, John is swooning. A fantastic project and a great tutorial in how to make a winter army look great on the tabletop.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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