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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 17/08/18

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 17/08/18 Reply To: Hobby Weekender 17/08/18


Cult of Games Member

@elessar2590  – interesting information regarding British holdings in North and East Africa.  We’re actually getting ready to re-run an updated version of the old Desert War article series, which starts off where these campaigns really started  in July 1940 – in British Sudan, British and Italian Somalialand (modern Somalia), and Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia).  So I’ve had my nose in this neck of the woods recently, albeit in a different time period.  😀

@mage – epic work on the ogres!  I like the blue and gold color scheme – very complimentary (approximately complimentary – I don’t want to call down the wrath of @elromanazo ). 😀

Okay, to post my hobby and answer @evilstu ‘s question at once:  The new lead mini-mountain is all 28mm Warlord for an SAS / LRDG force.  The birth of what many consider “modern” special forces.  All Warlord since I’ll be attending a Warlord event and it’s just considered polite to use the company’s products.

This is seriously going to be my first try with anything 28mm.

Oh yes, and I’m with you – it’s TIE Jäger for me from now on!  I think I got your response mixed up with @mage ‘s a little bit above –  But I’m told by @bothi )who gave me the German boxed set) that his German group actually eschews these German names, they prefer TIE Fighter and X Wing.  I’m with you, though, I’m stickin’ with TIE Jäger!

And more awesome work on those armies!  How many armies are you working on at once?  😀

@a27cromwell – I love the Polish / Soviet infantry, no matter what base they come on!  You know me, Eastern Front is always my favorite.

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