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@elessar2590 Thanks for hosting this week! @dawfydd I don’t take it personally, much ?.

@evilstu Point taken. And no will in the world would convince me to file them down.

@mage Great report so far, looking forward to the conclusion. @sundancer any paint going on the tower yet? Chosen colours? @oriskany map looks great, campaign should be a whole lot of fun. I’ll be semi trying to keep track when it’s on.

@a27cromwell is there a reason you don’t play? Your stuff looks great mind you. Enjoying the how many soldiers can I got on a tank game. You should look at GW Orks, right up your street.

1) I’m a very lazy hobbyist so although I prefer multi pose and options I’m not opposed to easy mode assemble by numbers. I used to play Warhammer fantasy when it was ranked and multi pose line 3 and 4 would make me lose the will to live.

2) My favourite kit bashes I did was my word bearer khorne berserkers. Not a stupid helmet in sight. Used as many hooded heads as I could get. Weapons from all the other kits too so no bad looking chain swords. Patched the icon together too as you don’t one in the box. Painting on them isn’t great but nothing I couldn’t fix now. You will be shocked to hear me suggest photos later.

3) I suspect I am an alpha hobby butterfly. I’d be worse but I can’t afford it and my local area doesn’t have the players to support it. People forever keep pointing new games at me and I have to stay strong and stick to the games I can get opponents for. We have a new local who wants to play Bolt Action and we have a small Flames of War contingent so alongside @oriskany and the Beasty Boys I’m sorely tempted. Although Kill Team, Batman, Necromunda and adeptus Titanicus also s team for my attention.

@mage I’ve agreed in principle to split the new Infinity box with the local Aleph player but he’s very coy about when.

Hobby wise this morning I’ve done nothing except try and find the 40k dicemasters in the UK. Impossible I think. Revenge for 40k Conquest?

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