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Back at home cooking dinner and its a balmy 5 degrees Farenheit (-15 for you Celcius types) and I’m glad to have heat.

@arkmechanicus Yes, the world of airbrushing is definitely different. With the Vallejo primer you will need to let it cure. Once it sets you’ll be able to drop paint on it easy enough. If you want to go and use a mask between coats I’d recommend hitting your mini with a layer of gloss coat. It’ll give you a smooth surface between coats to go over and it will protect the layer underneath it if you feel something went wrong. As you found out with the primer, you’ll need to give these things some time to set up first.

What I see you’ve started into with pushing the contrast is general highlighting with white. Good on you with the experimenting. As always you can go back with a brush and get those transitions with glazes. Like I told onlyonepinman earlier there is a guy on Next Level Painting that really kicks things around with his Iwata. I’ve checked out various videos of his and some of the figures he gets are pretty damn cool. I wish I had the knowledge and skill to blend as well as he did for the Lady of Corruption from Creature Caster but I’m still working on it.

With your new tool batch painting will go by so much faster. Another good thing to know is that the cost for priming/sealing will go down significantly as you won’t be paying for the propellant of the spray can. Be careful of lacquer dull coat sealants if you use it through the airbrush as you’ll need to use a lacquer thinner to clear out the stuff before it hardens. I don’t know the size of the needle you’re using but I found from one of the channels that I mentions earlier that an easy way to clear the tip between paint sessions is to run a dental absorbent paper points, used for root canals, through the cap to pull out material. I have some on my Amazon wishlist that I’ve yet to pick up. You might look into quick release connectors also to save the threads of the airbrush. I’m finding out that this is also a good idea in general as I’m going to be running a few brushes for various purposes at the same time.

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