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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 08/03/19 – Slightly Forward to the 90s

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 08/03/19 – Slightly Forward to the 90s Reply To: Hobby Weekender 08/03/19 – Slightly Forward to the 90s


Cult of Games Member

@blinky465 nice score! And that He-man mini does look great. Glad they had the forethought to make the optional parts optional.

@limburger awesome 🙂 Hope a great time was had by all, but more specifically, by your nephew 🙂

@mage good news, we’ll probably head ian and see Captain Marvel sone night this week if we can find a night where we oth finish work at a reasonable time…

@rayzryr good to hear – I find it really disheartening to rework a complete project update. Will check out the project shortly.

@horati0nosebl0wer I do love the larger Reaper Bones minis – super-cheap way to get giants. Their Bones 4 Kickstarter is about to drop so there should be plenty more on their website soon.

@sundancer all my wall space is hidden behind bookshelves…

Got plenty more done today. Middenheim infantry finished up to the varnish stage, and got varnish brushed on to about 100 of them. 50 more to go but will leave that for later. Then need to do the characters and then switch over to the 30 Knights of the White Wolf.

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