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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 19/04/2019 – Fuelled

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 19/04/2019 – Fuelled Reply To: Hobby Weekender 19/04/2019 – Fuelled



Hi there!

Well, I’ll be trying to get through my terrain from the Kill Team starter set. I have it all assembled and most of it primed. A couple of test pieces are already tabletop ready. Would like to get it all done by next weekend. Let’s see if I can get it done.

As for the questions:

1) I’ve been wanting to get stuck in my Pirates and Royal Navy from Black Scorpion Miniatures. Haven’t gottten around to it for over a year, but am really keen on the little dudes! I bought them for use with Legends of the High Seas and in the meantime have also gotten the Cutlass rules (by Gav Thorpe, from Black Scorpion as well). I really like the models!

2) Well, like most good hobbyists, when this situation arises, I suck it up and go play World of Tanks!!! 🙂 Then I get to feeling guilty and instead go play Borderlands. No, that doesn’t feel right as well – I should be delving into strategy, so Stellaris. Oh my word, it’s been a week and I still haven’t done it.

^^^ that mostly covers it and is the feeling I’ve been having with some Genestealers for Space Hulk that I’ve started bu still haven’t managed to finish.

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