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Reply To: Dealing with So Many Contact Channels?

Home Forums COG – Chamber of Commerce Dealing with So Many Contact Channels? Reply To: Dealing with So Many Contact Channels?


Cult of Games Member

Some of this sounds like a question you need to ask yourself – what sort of role do you want to have at OTT? I get the impression that OTT is now reaching the size of organisation where it’s not possible that one person can run all elements of the company and be hands on in those roles. So I’d recommend some reflection on where you want to be spending your time, where are you most effective and what role do you want to be playing. Get input from the team on this. Make sure you are very realistic about how much you can actively do and actually achieve. Generally speaking, you become less efficient and less effective the more tasks and roles you try to carry out at the same time, so focus is key. Then consider how the rest of your activities can be completed. Is this through delegation? Re-organisation of tasks across the organisation? Removal of tasks that aren’t necessary? Streamlining? Outsourcing? etc

On a more focused point, and apologies if this is teaching you to suck eggs, but look into social media management tools. These can aggregate feeds into one location so it is easier to manage, track responses etc. You can also publish one message from the tool that replicates across the platforms. There’s cost here but perhaps money well spent if it removes effort and cost elsewhere.

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