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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Is GW's constant "limited release" marketing starting to bite back? Reply To: Is GW's constant "limited release" marketing starting to bite back?



Its crap like this that is making me regret breaking my self imposed ban on GW products. I quit GW for close to 2 decades. Ye gods that sentence makes me feel old, but I digress. I got back in because a new buddy was really enthusiastic about 40k, which also lead me back into fantasy.
But the constant rise of the prices, the ‘gotta have all the books’ mentality of the rules, and this simple scarcity of getting newer stuff is getting on my last nerve with them. I love the idea of Blitz Bowl and want it to be good for the community….but with it being exclusive to just 3 stores, it makes me wonder if anyone around will be playing it.

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