Four New Wargames Coming This Year From Osprey Games!

February 1, 2023 by brennon

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Osprey Games has announced that four new wargaming books are going to be landing later this year from a variety of different creators. We start with the one that we saw teased recently, The Doomed.

The Doomed - Osprey Games 23

The Doomed // Osprey Games

The Doomed is going to be a skirmish-style affair from Chris McDowall set in an Apocalyptic future where monstrous creatures need to be taken down by your team of specialists. If you'd like to know more, you can check out our summary of the game HERE. The best part of this? It's going to be packed with awesome kitbash and conversion opportunities for people who like smashing miniatures together.

Next up, we're keeping with the dark and the slightly horrifying. A War Transformed is a new skirmish game set during World War I by Frederick Silburn-Slater and illustrated by Dimitris Martinos.

A War Transformed - Osprey Games

A War Transformed // Osprey Games

If the cover hadn't already given you some hints towards the themes of this game, A War Transformed is going to be World War I but not as you know it. World War I still rages across Europe but you will take command of a small set of infantry, cavalry, artillery and perhaps even stranger allies as you battle on the Doggerland Front. This is going to be a proper mix of both rifles and relics, bayonets and beliefs (as Osprey mentions in their blurb) and we are very intrigued!

Folklore meshes with the horrors of World War I in yet another awesome way to tinker with a bit of kitbashing and converting. I can sense a lot of people picking up the plastic kits from Wargames Atlantic to use for this!

New Historical Wargames

As well as the horror-themed additions to the wargaming range, Osprey Games are also working on a new addition to the blue book series and a new supplement for Bolt Action. We start with a visit to the American Civil War and With Hot Lead And Cold Steel.

With Hot Lead And Cold Steel - Osprey Games

With Hot Lead And Cold Steel // Osprey Games

Coming from Arthur van der Ster, With Hot Lead And Cold Steel has been designed to allow you to play out properly big battles set during the American Civil War. You'll be handling divisional engagements and getting right into the nitty gritty but they are trying to make this accessible for newcomers to wargaming and veterans. Army rules, scenarios and more are in the mix alongside some Historical campaigns for you to explore.

Moving forward in time to World War II, we have a new supplement for Bolt Action with Campaign Italy - Tough Gut.

Bolt Action - Campaign Italy - Tough Gut - Osprey Games

Bolt Action: Campaign Italy - Tough Gut // Osprey Games

The fight for Italy continues and this acts as an additional book alongside the previously released, Soft Underbelly. This dives into the battles around the Gustav Line in 1944 and the Gothic Line in 1945. There will be loads of scenarios included for fighting out a collection of famous battles alongside new unit rules, special rules and more. It's a solid way to cap off your campaigns in Italy during World War II in Bolt Action.

Some brilliant stuff coming soon from Osprey Games! Internally, we're very intrigued by The Doomed and A War Transformed and we'll no doubt be revisiting those games over the next while!

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"...we're very intrigued by The Doomed and A War Transformed"

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