The Amok Crew Roll Into Punkapocalyptic’s Wasteland

February 5, 2020 by brennon

Supported by (Turn Off)

Bad Roll Games are on Kickstarter right now looking to fund a band of wild-looking individuals as part of the Amok crew. There are some strange creatures and characters as part of this set but a perfect fit for the world of Punkapocalyptic.

Amok Faction - Punkapocalyptic

The Amok is a bunch of misfits and strange folk and here is some of the background on them...

"The Amok wander those barren lands in search of victims that make them feel something again, Harvesters always looking for the meagre drops of drug they can distil from their prey. In their current state, some of the Amok have started to mutate, as if the beast within had found a way to manifest itself in the outside. For some reason some of the tortured victims, their brains completely shattered, embrace the Amok after all the suffering received, turning from prey to hunters."

I really like what they have been doing here, especially when you start to see some of the pop culture references in the mix. For example, I love what you get with the Harvester who I'm fairly sure has been down in the depths of the ocean at some point alongside some big mechanical creatures.

Harvester - Punkapocalyptic

Also, there are some totally off-the-wall miniatures in the mix like their Reapers. These fellows have been chopped and changed, hacked apart and remade in order to try and find some kind of purpose in this vast wasteland of the post-apocalypse.

Reaper - Punkapocalyptic

Another of the fun miniatures that I really liked was this mutated creature, the Glutton. This is a writhing mass of pustules, muscle and more. I think it would be great painted up in lurid green, infused with some kind of terrifying chemical from the waters of the wasteland.

Glutton - Punkapocalyptic

You can head on over to the Kickstarter and find out more about the campaign which is packed with more details on the world of Punkapocalyptic. It is well worth diving into what Bad Roll Games have been doing because a lot of love has gone into making something fun and different.

Are you tempted by this new faction?

"It is well worth diving into what Bad Roll Games have been doing because a lot of love has gone into making something fun and different..."

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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