Andrew May Brings Black Crab’s Chimera To The Tabletop

December 5, 2022 by brennon

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Andrew May of Meridian Miniatures is back with another of the Black Crab Miniatures collection. This is a very small Kickstarter campaign that is focused on a couple of new miniatures inspired by the artwork of Moritz and perfect for use on your grimdark tabletops.

The Chimera Kickstarter - Black Crab Miniatures

The Chimera Kickstarter // Black Crab Miniatures

This miniature represents The Chimera that has been brought to life by the people of the local villages and towns. The peasants have taken what they think a Chimera looks like and turned it into a fearsome totem that could be hefted aloft during a twisted carnival or at the head of an army.

The Chimera Front - Black Crab Miniatures

The Chimera (Front) // Black Crab Miniatures

The Chimera Rear - Black Crab Miniatures

The Chimera (Rear) // Black Crab Miniatures

The miniatures comes in resin and will work alongside other 28mm and 32mm wargames out there in the wild. I think a lot of folks could find a home for The Chimera in their grimdark skirmish games. I would love to see how people approach painting up the miniature, especially with all sorts of textiles mixed together to create the "monster".

As well as The Chimera, there is also The Master Of Ceremonies who leads all manner of strange parades through town. I like the idea of these peasants and the Master Of Ceremonies at the head of an army that is hoping to appease some terrible beast...

The Master Of Ceremonies - Black Crab Miniatures

The Master Of Ceremonies // Black Crab Miniatures

...then the beast just rips them apart as soon as they find it. Maybe they think that the chimera is actually their god or the reason why their village is so prosperous only to find that the creature is just very angry that someone stumbled into its den.

This Kickstarter only has four days left so if you wanted to get your hands on it, you'd need to be quick off the mark!

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"Maybe they think that the chimera is actually their god..."

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