Celebrate Conquest’s 5th Anniversary With New Armies

January 17, 2024 by brennon

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Para Bellum Games are celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Conquest with some awesome new miniatures and that stunning new army, the Sorcerer Kings, coming out later this year. In addition to that, you can also get your hands on some great new One Player Starter Sets for the current factions of their 35mm Fantasy wargame.

Dweghom One Player Starter Set - Conquest 5th Anniversary

Dweghom One Player Starter Set // Conquest 5th Anniversary

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Each of the sets comes with a host of awesome miniatures to help you build some thematic armies around the different factions. You'll find options for old favourites like the Dweghom, the Hundred Kingdoms and The Spires as well as new boys on the block like the City States.

Hundred Kingdoms One Player Starter Set - Conquest 5th Anniversary

Hundred Kingdoms One Player Starter Set // Conquest 5th Anniversary

The Spires One Player Starter Set - Conquest 5th Anniversary

The Spires One Player Starter Set // Conquest 5th Anniversary

One of the nice things about these sets is that they include a lot of the newer miniatures for the different factions. The Spires have some amazing monstrous creatures that are going to make most armies quake in their boots!

Nords One Player Starter Set - Conquest 5th Anniversary

Nords One Player Starter Set // Conquest 5th Anniversary

Old Dominion One Player Starter Set - Conquest 5th Anniversary

Old Dominion One Player Starter Set // Conquest 5th Anniversary

Another fun aspect of these One Player Starter Sets is that as well as being packed with miniatures for The Last Argument Of Kings, they are also very good for those looking to dive into the skirmishes of First Blood. So, rather than waiting till you've got a full army painted, you can play with a handful of these miniatures and get into some skirmishes.

Wadrhun One Player Starter Set - Conquest 5th Anniversary

W’adrhŭn One Player Starter Set // Conquest 5th Anniversary

City States One Player Starter Set - Conquest 5th Anniversary

City States One Player Starter Set // Conquest 5th Anniversary

I think these could be a great starting point for some new armies, especially if you've got a friend who is interested and wants a good grounding in the game with some fun units for each faction. With folks interested in rank n' flank wargames once again and The Old World being a bit marmite, maybe it's time to try out a different game and dive into Conquest.

All of these armies are available to scoop up over on their webstore and there is a lot more to come this year from Conquest. The Sorcerer Kings are calling!

Will you be diving into Conquest with one of these armies?

"...maybe it's time to try out a different game and dive into Conquest"

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