Sci-Fi Highlanders & Skeletons For All From Wargames Atlantic

December 13, 2023 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic has been putting together a bunch of new 3D Printable 28mm kits for you to use in your Historical, Sci-Fi and Fantasy wargames. We start with a pretty awesome Sci-Fi offering in the form of these Highlanders!

Death Fields Highlanders - Wargames Atlantic

Death Fields Highlanders // Wargames Atlantic

These Death Fields Highlanders can be used as some of your elite warriors in your Death Fields-themed Sci-Fi armies on the tabletop. They come with their impressive headgear and some mighty powered claymores. Plus, you get a set of bagpipes to use when confusing and confounding your enemies! This set of miniatures is compatible with the Bulldogs from the wider Wargames Atlantic plastic range and should fit in nicely alongside them.

Historical Miniatures

Moving to Historical wargaming, we have a look at some Late Roman goodness in the form of some Cataphracts.

Late Roman Cataphracts - Wargames Atlantic

Late Roman Cataphracts // Wargames Atlantic

This gives you some great thundering cavalry options for rampaging through enemy lines. The set comes with options for adding to the existing Horses from Wargames Atlantic plus you get four riders in the kit who can be armed with a variety of weapons. You could use these alongside the plastic kits from Victrix to help with the variety that you get within the unit.

Moving forward through history to World War II, we have some awesome new Soviet Soldiers in their winter uniforms.

Soviet Winter Soldiers - Wargames Atlantic

Soviet Winter Soldiers // Wargames Atlantic

These soldiers are outfitted with cold weather gear and are using a range of rifles and PPSh-41 submachine guns. Pit these against the Gebirgsjäger as Wargames Atlantic has suggested and have some fun playing out some iconic battles in the mountains and snowy forests of Eastern Europe.

Skeletons For All Occasions

One of the bugbears of building undead armies is that you tend to end up with a lot of undead humans and that's about it. Well, Wargames Atlantic is looking to solve that with three sets of Skeletons for Orcs, Dwarves and Halflings!

Skeleton Orcs - Wargames Atlantic

Skeleton Orcs // Wargames Atlantic

Skeleton Dwarves - Wargames Atlantic

Skeleton Dwarves // Wargames Atlantic

Skeleton Halflings - Wargames Atlantic

Skeleton Halflings // Wargames Atlantic

The different sets come with themed miniatures that match some of the plastic kits available from Wargames Atlantic. The Orcs have a little bit more of a Japanese style to them which I like that seems to mirror the Goblin kit that currently exists. You've then got those awesome Dwarves and Halflings that can be used to make epic undead armies for the likes of Oathmark and beyond.

A New Plastic Kit?

As well as the 3D Printing offerings, there is also some news on the potential of turning the Spanish Guerillas into a plastic kit.

Spanish Guerrillas Plastic Set Preview - Wargames Atlantic

Spanish Guerrillas Plastic Set Preview // Wargames Atlantic

They have tweaked some of the parts that you get on the sprue which should make them a fun option to include alongside your Napoleonic British during the Peninsular War. You get a huge range of heads to choose from which is usually the way Wargames Atlantic do things plus you have some good weapon options too.

Could you be tempted by some of these new offerings from Wargames Atlantic?

"These Death Fields Highlanders can be used as some of your elite warriors in your Death Fields-themed Sci-Fi armies..."

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