More Undead Black Crab Fiends From Andrew May On Kickstarter!

October 24, 2023 by brennon

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Andrew May is back with a new Black Crab Miniatures Kickstarter where the undead are now shambling about looking for flesh! A Feast For Flies - The Deathless gives you some great undead creatures for use in your skirmish wargames and roleplaying adventures in 28mm.

A Feast For Flies - Black Crab Miniatures

A Feast For Flies // Black Crab Miniatures

Based once again on the work by Moritz Krebs (who also does the artwork for the Doomsong Roleplaying Game!), Andrew May has returned with some twisted creatures that have shambled out of graves and nightmares to haunt the land of the living.

There are some twisted miniatures for you to choose from that are both very much flesh, blood and bone and also ectoplasm! For example, maybe you want the very creepy Three Sisters?

Ghosts - Black Crab Miniatures

The Three Sisters // Black Crab Miniatures

There are also the twisted Husks who have suffered some absolutely horrendous wounds before they were sent into the darkness of the afterlife. You've got a fellow who has been chopped in half and another who has been finished off with a sword through the top of the skull.

The Husks - Black Crab Miniatures

The Husks // Black Crab Miniatures

I don't think any amount of aspirin will end up solving that particular headache. I also like the fellows who have been blended together. Maybe they were buried in the same grave the foul magics that reawakened them bound them together?

You also have some eerie cavalry with The Zombie Ritters.

The Zombie Ritters - Black Crab Miniatures

The Zombie Ritters // Black Crab Miniatures

You can also get your hands on some twisted and befouled vampires that have probably found themselves sucking the marrow from dirty bones rather than languishing in lovely castles. All of these miniatures are available to snap up as part of the Kickstarter and will be produced in crisp, high-detail resin.

This is also a good chance for you to get your hands on miniatures from previous Black Crab Miniatures Kickstarters. A great way to dive into Halloween!

Will you be scooping up these new undead creatures?

"...these miniatures are available to snap up as part of the Kickstarter and will be produced in crisp, high-detail resin"

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