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Oriskany's Build Video - 28mm Support Teams

Oriskany's Build Video - 28mm Support Teams

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Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8
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Thanks to everyone who stopped by! That was a great stream! I was only going to stream for an hour or so, turned into 3:45:00! I will be “off the radar” next week due to EOQ at work, but i really hope to be back starting on April 6 for some live games, either Valor & Victory Lebanon, Vietnam, Panzer Leader WW2, Panzer Leader Lebanon, Panzer Leader Gulf War 1991, or of course Darkstar!

Twitch Stream Sunday 3.24.2019


As you can see, certain spots of this game got hairy in a big hurry!  This doesn't even count the two F-16 strikes (okay, they mostly missed) but the two AH-1 Cobra strikes were dead on the money, not to mention that pickle-barrel mortar round that saved not only the crew of the lead M113 killed in the open (by opening Palestinian RPG round), but also the infantry team that tried to save those casualties (and became casualties themselves!)As you can see, certain spots of this game got hairy in a big hurry! This doesn't even count the two F-16 strikes (okay, they mostly missed) but the two AH-1 Cobra strikes were dead on the money, not to mention that pickle-barrel mortar round that saved not only the crew of the lead M113 killed in the open (by opening Palestinian RPG round), but also the infantry team that tried to save those casualties (and became casualties themselves!)

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