Spring Clean 2023. Painting everything from 2022
GCPS Riot Troopers and Tac Drones (Mantic Games)
Wanted a simple scheme for my GCPS so that it’s not too much hassle when it comes to painting the army.
The kit consisted of hard plastic bodies for the Riot Troopers and Resin for everything else. 5 Riot Troopers and 2 Tac Drones.
The weapon options for the Tac Drones can be just placed in, but you could use blu tac or magnets. There was 2 of every Tac Drone weapon.
Photo 1: Primed IDF Israeli Sand Grey (Vallejo Surface Primer).
Washed with a home made Payne’s Grey Wash (There’s a Gerry Can).
Overbrushed with German Cam Beige WWII (Vallejo Model Color).
Photo 2: Drybrushed Pale Sand (Vallejo Model Color).
White Ink in the centre of the riot shield glass and TAC Drone lens, followed by blue ink over the glass and lens.
Photo 3: Sepia ink on grip/racking mechanism on underside of shotgun then a drybrush of Pale Sand (Not shown in photo but can be seen later on).
Gun barrels painted Black
Varnished Gloss then Matt.
Gun barrels painted with a mix of Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo Model Color), Panzer Dark Grey (Vallejo Model Air) and Airbrush Thinner.
Black Shade wash in between barrels.
The Vallejo Model Color metallics aren’t great but adding a non-metallic paint (Giraldez tip) and airbrush thinner (Gerry tip) seems to make them more useable until I run out and can buy their Metal Color instead.
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