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Mega City One Spring Clean Challenge

Mega City One Spring Clean Challenge

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Starting on the second building

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I need to get a move on if I’m going to finish these buildings and get a game or two in before the Spring Clean deadline. Hopefully this will go faster since I’ve worked out what I’m doing and I’d like all three buildings to look more-or-less the same in terms of color.

This time I’m going to try painting on the sprues (except where over-eager pieces have fallen out). I’m starting with a base coat of cheap craft paint, black where it’ll be dark grey, and white where it’ll be yellow. You can see how poor the coverage on the craft paint is — any money I’ve saved is pretty well wiped out by the time it takes to do multiple coats of paint. I’ll be using Monument Hobbies paints for the actual color like I did for the first building. More expensive paint to be sure, but it leaves a nice flat finish and should only need two or at most three coats.

The yellow marker on the cardboard bits is working great, I should just need to paint in some dark grey for the roof and a bit of silver for the scratched metal look.

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