MyMiniFactory Adventures With Titan Forge & Free League

December 5, 2023 by avernos

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MyMiniFactory's monthly subscription service is getting an overhaul and relaunches to-day as The Adventure in collaboration with two of the best known names in the industry, Titan Forge and Free League Publishing to offer up not just an adventure but a whole campaign over the next twelve months!

The Adventure-MyMiniFactory

MyMiniFactory // The Adventure

The Adventure is MyMiniFactory’s new subscription service built for tabletop gaming and 3D printing enthusiasts. Its purpose is to create narrative-driven games from indie Creators with RPG modules, illustrations, exclusive and popular STLs, and deals from our partners and industry leaders. Current MMF+ subscribers will still have access to their current offerings with even more value included with the new Adventure campaign.

Check Out Dragonbane In Gerry's Unboxing

A new chapter will be revealed for Adventurers every month. This includes the next stage of your quest from Free League’s Dragonbane, and monster STLs exclusively sculpted by Titan Forge for you to face. The quest will take you on a journey across the Misty Vale where you will face fearsome monsters and unveil hidden treasure beginning at Outskirt the village that has sprung up around the crumbling ruins of the dragon emperors as people return to the Misty Vale.


The Dragonbane Heroes // Johan Egerkrans

The first month of the campaign is live now and when you join The Adventure, you will receive five hero STLs sculpted by Titan Forge from Dragonbane by Free League who will accompany you on your quest. Johan has got to be one of my favourite creators and these illustrations of the pre-gens from the Dragonbane core box are simply stunning. A long time ago I asked him if his illustrations had been used as concept sketches as I was hoping to see this in physical form. At that time only his Rogue Stars from North Star had been rendered into 3D now Titan Forge has done!

The Heroes_Titan Forge

The Heroes // Titan Forge

As you can see they look absolutely nailed on to the design and presumably, Johan's other creations for the monsters that inhabit the Misty Vale have been tackled in similar detail. Every month along with the new chapter for the players to explore Titan Forge will be supplying monster STLs from the “Dragonbane” story by Free League.

Apart from the Dragonbane Adventure the subscription will also give you access to monthly deals through partners and a loot box of twenty creations from a host of Indie designers which I'm very happy to see and I'm going to claim it is in tribute to my Indie of the Week. The Loot Box can contain anything from heroes and monsters to terrain and whole adventures, which will hopefully highlight some of the fantastic work being done by those whose names are not (yet) instantly recognisable.

Are you tempted to go on an Adventure?


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