Unboxing: Beasts Of Machairá Peat (Darklands) | Mierce Miniatures

November 21, 2022 by avernos

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Today's unboxing features some of the stunning Darklands miniatures collection by Mierce Miniatures. Here, Gerry has a look at the Beasts Of Machairá Peat for use in your Fantasy wargames. You might have seen these in one of our Cult Of Games XLBS shows when Gerry showed off his painted monsters.


Check Out More Unboxings Here

Check Out The Darklands Miniatures Range

These five peat bog monsters are made from mud and bits of tree (or resin as we like to call it) and form part of the stunning offerings by Mierce Miniatures. There is a twisted Dark Age feel to their range which is well worth checking out for Fantasy wargaming.

What do you make of the Beasts Of Machairá Peat?

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