Community Spotlight: Bushido, Blood Red Skies & An Undead Stockpile

July 19, 2023 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Bushido by redvers

We start off this week's Community Spotlight with a look at a game that has always been of interest to us but we've never really dived into. redvers and son have been getting stuck into the world of Bushido and not just been getting into a bit of collecting and painting but also some proper games!

Bushido #1 by redvers

Both redvers and son got their hands on the two-player starter set for the game but they have also expanded and picked up a couple of the starter sets for two forces that really caught their eye. They went for the Temple Of Ro-Kan and the Cult Of Yurei and go through the process of what it was like to build the miniatures and get them prepared for painting. It's nice seeing the actual miniatures pop up as more often than not, we only get to see the renders from GCT.

Bushido #2 by redvers

What has also been fascinating about this project is that it is covering a lot of the "getting ready" elements as well as actual gameplay. It was nice seeing the miniatures and learning about what it has been like to build them but I've also really liked seeing them work on painting up some terrain for their tabletops as well. Bushido is definitely one of those games where you want to have evocative tables that match the Asian mythology, folklore and legends of the Bushido world.

Bushido #3 by redvers

To that end, we've seen some wonderful pieces of 3D Printed terrain like the shrine above. The pair have also worked on a range of other shrines and gates as well as statues which could be found around places like the temples of the Ro-Kan. This means that even though the miniatures are coming to the tabletop unpainted for their battle reports, the terrain is looking great!

It should be noted that not one but two battle reports have been added to the project which explore diving into Bushido and learning how to play. The first game was just a skirmish where they battled it out to see who could come out on top.

Bushido #4 by redvers

Following on from that, they also played out a fun scenario where they had to reach objective markers on the tabletop and pray to them, turning them "friendly". It was neat seeing a little bit more about how the game is played and what it was like going from a straight-up clash to a scenario. It seems like the game is a lot of fun and it was good reading along with the action from redvers and son! Once again, this has got me intrigued as to what it's like diving into Bushido!

Blood Red Skies by miniaturebrushwork

We also take to the skies and see what miniaturebrushwork has been getting up to recently. It seems like they are very much in a World War II mood as they have moved from Victory At Sea to Blood Red Skies and painted up some Luftwaffe planes for use in this dogfighting game.

Blood Red Skies #1 by miniaturebrushwork

These planes are the Me109 and they actually came from ROC-Works who have done some sterling work on bringing these to life. You'll also note that they added Hans Joachim Marseille into the mix as well, quite the ace who met an untimely demise after a tragic accident. It's always neat to look at games like this and learn about the different personalities who fought during these time periods and what frankly superhuman stuff they did.

Blood Red Skies #2 by miniaturebrushwork

What was also neat about this particular project and something that drew my eye was the way that miniaturebrushwork has done the basing. Rather than using the system from Blood Red Skies, miniaturebrushwork uses ball-bearing magnets which allow them to move the planes around and tilt them in different ways depending on the actions they're doing.

This is another game that has always caught my eye and I've wanted to dive into it. Make sure to check out more of what miniaturebrushwork has been getting up to including looking ahead to some work on the Ju87!

Undead Stockpile by thehumungus

Last but not least, we're looking at some work by thehumungus when it comes to smashing down that pile of potential. They were recently looking at their large pile of undead miniatures from different creators and thought that it would be good to use these to start building a Fantasy army.

An Undead Stockpile #1 by thehumungus

Undead are always fun to paint as they let you be pretty messy and have lots of fun when it comes to weathering. This cavalry miniature was particularly great and I really liked the way that the armour had been done, on both the horse and the rider. It reminds me of a statue that has come to life and been brought into the service of undead masters.

I equally liked the way that these miniatures came to life. It's always good seeing deadly Skeleton Warriors clacking across the battlefield and these look brilliant. The same aging process has been used on the weapons and shields which works to tie the army together as a whole.

An Undead Stockpile #2 by thehumungus

I also really like the basing for these miniatures. The cold, grey rocks really set the scene and give off properly creepy vibes. A good little paint recipe was used for these as well and it might be a good way for others to get their skeletons painted up quickly!

There was also this mighty construct, the Graveyard Golem, which has been summoned from the earth by an enterprising Necromancer to perhaps act as their guardian.

An Undead Stockpile #3 by thehumungus

Again, awesome painting and basing for this miniature. I also liked the touch of autumn red on the base which helps to work with the vibe of "death" and moving on. I think this is going to turn into a brilliant undead army when it has all been finished and I am interested to see some of the characters for this force. It would also be great to see what games these get used for. Oathmark has been mentioned which is a solid option for Fantasy wargaming but these could easily slot into Kings Of War and more.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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