Dive Into MiniWarGaming’s New Wargame, Ravaged Star

November 7, 2023 by brennon

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MiniWarGaming and Lazy Squire Games are back on Gamefound this week with their new campaign looking to not only bring two more factions to the tabletop for Ravaged Star but also fund the production of the game itself. If you're looking for a new Sci-Fi wargaming experience from some incredibly enthusiastic creators then maybe this could be for you.

Ravaged Star On Gamefound - MiniWarGaming

Ravaged Star On Gamefound // MiniWarGaming

Ravaged Star was going through a development process with Lazy Squire Games but now Matt of MiniWarGaming has been taking his big ol' brain and turning it to the task of bringing the game to life with his vision for what makes a wargame fun. If you're interested in seeing some of the game getting played, it's well worth checking out these two videos from MiniWarGaming which show off an early demo and a larger battle report.

Ravaged Star Demo Game // MiniWarGaming

Playtesting Ravaged Star // MiniWarGaming

At its heart, Ravaged Star has been designed to be quick and easy to play but with some great cinematic moments folded into its gameplay that then produce fun, watercooler-style moments. Each unit or character in the game will come with its own character card that will show off all of the information that you need.

Null The Hordemaster Stat Card - Ravaged Star

Null, The Hordemaster Stat Card // Ravaged Star

The core of gameplay runs off the use of d10 which is nice because it obviously allows for more variables but also, as they state on the campaign, means that working out percentages to succeed or fail in an action are more inherently obvious to players. One of the most fun aspects of Ravaged Star though comes in the activation of your army which happens through the drawing of tokens from a bag (always a fan of that!).

Ankarrian Plasma-Spitter Stat Card - Ravaged Star

Ankarrian Plasma-Spitter Stat Card // Ravaged Star

This not only means that you'll be having to work out and mitigate the chances of you not drawing tokens but you'll also get to opportunities as they arise. Tokens are split into a few different types with Commander, Core, Elite and Support being suited to the different units you've brought with you in battle.

More fun then comes in with the addition of Boost Tokens. A small number of these tokens are included in the bag and when you draw yours, you can activate any unit that hasn't yet done so AND  use its powerful Boost ability. You can see some examples of these above. As mentioned, these Boost Tokens are limited so you're going to have to really think about what powerful abilities you use and when and it could end up changing your fortunes from a loss to a victory.

I really like the sound of this as a game concept and even at this earlyish stage of development, Ravaged Star sounds and looks like it could be a lot of fun. Being tied into their own range of miniatures as well means that they get to have some real fun with the design process.

Miniatures Galore!

Talking of miniatures, oh boy there are a lot of them for you to scoop up as part of this campaign. If you backed the previous one or you're jumping in fresh, the team have got a lot of different options for you to choose from across the different factions.

Ancient Evils Battle Pack - Ravaged Star

Ancient Evils Battle Pack // Ravaged Star

All of the miniatures are 32mm in scale and are produced in high-quality PVC in one piece. This means that you just need to crack them out of the box and they're ready to go after you've given them a lick of paint.

You can get miniatures for the Veil Touched and the monstrous Gorkog or you can get your hands on the badass Immari who are going to be bringing on all of the "Rock And Stone" chants from their collectors as they hit the battlefield.

Siege Of Ankarr Battle Pack - Ravaged Star

Siege Of Ankarr Battle Pack // Ravaged Star

Both of the Battle Packs above give you what you need for a starter game in Ravaged Star featuring characters, core units and some big elite miniatures to help support your troops on the battlefield. They are all looking very nice indeed and I still like that MiniWarGaming and Lazy Squire have gone with the "similar but different" vibe for their ranges. It means that folks can use these for Ravaged Star or drop them into other Sci-Fi wargames without feeling like they look totally out of step with other ranges.

There are also additional packs that you can get your hands on to help expand your forces...

Champions Of The Immari - Ravaged Star

Champions Of The Immari // Ravaged Star

Mechanical Mayhem Battle Pack - Ravaged Star

Mechanical Mayhem Battle Pack // Ravaged Star

Massive Monstrosities - Ravaged Star

Massive Monstrosities // Ravaged Star

The Unyeilding - Ravaged Star

The Unyeilding // Ravaged Star

Winged Hordes - Ravaged Star

Winged Hordes // Ravaged Star

These give you a bonus selection of different miniatures which can be used to enhance your forces be they the Veil Touched, Gorkog or the Immari. If you're looking for some massive alien beasties then you might want the Winged Horde for example. Who could say no to that massive hammer-wielding badass in The Unyeilding set though?

Ravaged Star On Gamefound // MiniWarGaming

If this has got you interested in Ravaged Star then the campaign is set to run for just 8 days, 8 hours, 8 minutes, and 8 seconds. It's almost as if a certain someone had their hand in the making of this campaign. You will have just over a week to get involved with the campaign and get your hands on these miniatures before they head out into the wider world in the future.

Could you be tempted by these new miniatures and if so, which faction will you be going for?

"...the campaign is set to run for just 8 days, 8 hours, 8 minutes, and 8 seconds"

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