A War No-One Has Played Before? Historical Miniatures To Get You Thinking! + WIN 40K Kill Team!

September 3, 2021 by avernos

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It's OTTWeekender Time! We check out some Historical miniatures for a war that no one has (probably!) played before! Do miniature ranges like these get you thinking about new ways to enjoy your tabletop wargames?

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As always, make sure to dive into the comments and tell us all of your thoughts about the show this week and what we chat about!

Subscribe & WIN Kill Team: Octarius When We Hit 100k On YouTube!

We're hoping to get that push over the line from our community. Share the YouTube channel with your friends, your family, even your nan, and get us to 100k! on YouTube.

Subscribe On YouTube! WIN Kill Team: Octarius When We Hit 100K

When we hit 100k on YouTube one lucky winner will get their hands on Kill Team: Octarius. Which of the factions are you drawn to, Death Korps Of Krieg or Ork Kommandos?

Indie Of The Week - Mezzer's Minis

Get a look at some stunning metal and resin miniatures for use with your Napoleonic wargames as well as something for those wanting to battle during the 30 Years War.

Check Out Mezzer's Minis For Yourself Here

Old Man's Creations

In addition to that, they also have a great selection of Greek War Of Independence miniatures too from Old Man Creations

Tabletop Gaming News

Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week which caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"

Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!

3D Printing Is The S**t!

We have a peek at some of the amazing miniatures that OnePageRules has to show off for 3D Printing. They have had a few months now to collate a fantastic collection of miniatures for their games.

OnePageRules On MyMiniFactory

OnePageRules On Etsy

OnePageRules On Patreon

Are you as tempted by those fantastic-looking Da Vinci machines as we are? It would be ace to see someone paint those up in a Sci-Fi way!

Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters

We get a peek at two fantastic Kickstarter that are grand for those playing Fantasy wargames and Historical clashes on the tabletop too.

Some great-looking miniatures and a neat way to expand and explore a whimsical Fantasy world. Are you going to be backing either of these campaigns?

Subscribe On YouTube! WIN Kill Team: Octarius When We Hit 100K

Make sure to check out all of this tabletop goodness and have a great weekend of gaming fun.

Stay Safe!

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