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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 14/06/19 – Halfway through the year already?

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 14/06/19 – Halfway through the year already? Reply To: Hobby Weekender 14/06/19 – Halfway through the year already?


Cult of Games Member

1. Mostly it’s not good or even bad. Mixing genres doesn’t really tickle me. I like on genre over another for a reason

2. As long as the miniature is only a different sculpt (Just cosmetic) it’s fine. But when they get special rules it’s bad (pay to win)

3. No. Mostly because I rarely play group games. Either it’s a one on one, all against all, Big Evil against rest of the players or coop. I could see that happen if I were to play in a group tournament. But that really isn’t my cup of tea either.

it’s close to  2:00 am here… I’m off to bed… cheerio Miss Sophie! *off*

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