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I just finished a 10 of Uesugi's archers.

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    I just finished a 10 man squad for Uesugi’s archers and I will start on the other 10 soon. Only 100 more minis to paint =DIMG_4763IMG_4761IMG_4766IMG_4767


    Cult of Games Member

    Outstanding work!



    lovely stuff as always, have we ever discussed the colours you use for the asian skin tones? If not can we, because they look great.



    I too am interested in the colors for your skin on these.


    Cult of Games Member

    Your work continues to astonish me!

    I have just recently started work on my two starter army boxes of ‘Armies of the Daimyos’ for ‘Black Powder’ and my ‘Test of Honour’ figures and can say that just putting the delicate figures together is no quick and easy task.

    Your work on these ten new figures is sharp.  I too would love to know the colors and or methods used to achieve the skin color.



    The base coat of the flesh toned these are the paints that I used. 2parts Gun Corps Brown, 1part Meaty Ochre, and .5 to .75 part Khardic Flesh. By the way all are from Privateer Press P3 paint line.

    1) The first coat is the darkest and I will apply that on all the exposed flesh

    2)then I will add a little Midland flesh to paint the highlights like the nose, cheek bones, the upper lip,  chin and hands.

    3)I will add more Midland flesh to the mix and this time I will just hit the very tops of the previous mentioned highlights. let this set to dry

    4) IF YOU PAINT EYES DO THIS 😉 While that highlights are drying mix a small batch of original and add a Dark brown or just a little amount of black. This mix will be painted into the eye sockets. This will be your base for when you paint the whites of your eyes they pop,

    5)Mix the 1 part Citadel Reikland Fleshshade to 2 parts of each P3 Kossite flesh wash and Caspian Flesh wash and apply to the flesh areas and allow to dry.

    6)IF YOU ARE PAINTING EYES now is the time to take your thinest smallest brush and paint the whites if you mess up ( I know I do just set aside and repeat step 4) allow you dry and paint the pupil using your Micron .003 or a .005 will work as well.




    Cult of Games Member

    Nice touch with the paint Micron pen!  I have everything you mentioned with the exception of the GW paint pot.


    Thanks for sharing the info.  (of course knowledge is only part of the equation, now I have to practice the technique)




    @templar007 don’t worry about the GW pot you really don’t need it if you just use a 1 to 1 ratio of the P3 washes you will do fine, Best of Luck and please post your work when you finish or start a Project post here on OTT

    Thats what I did look up

    Heaven and Earth a Samurai project 😉


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