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July Patreon Watch

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  blinky465 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve not really been printing *that much* recently. And while many of the “usual” Patreons I follow have looked kind of interesting, I scaled back a bit and only backed those with minis I actively wanted (instead of building my “digital pile of shame” for the twenty-ninth of never, when I’ll have a load of free time on my hands to print and paint them all).

    That said, July’s Cyber Forge release looks awesome. I’m definitely getting in on this one!



    Cult of Games Member

    Quite a while ago I started a Jabba the Hutt diorama using characters I’d found on Thingiverse and various Patreon creators. There was Jabba and Salacious Crumb, C3PO and R2D2, the green dancing girl, Sy Snootles and Max Rebo, Boba Fett, a carbonite frozen Han Solo, not-Greedo, a couple of other aliens with lumpy looking heads, a slave Leia…. and a few other characters, but I forget them all now.

    Anyway, I always fancied getting hold of Bib Fortuna and a couple of Gammorean Guards to finish it off. And next month, Black Remnant are releasing a couple of guards, while their giveaway for hitting 350 supporters is none other than Bib Fortuna himself!




    Cult of Games Member

    I very nearly picked up a resin printer during Amazon’s sale, sadly I dont have the space for one currently which i thinks the only thing stopping me getting one.

    Those Cyber-Forge minis look very nice indeed.


    Cult of Games Member

    Have a clear out. Is that a bed? Chuck it out – you can sleep on the floor! Mount the telly on the wall, get rid of that coffee table. Honestly, it’s almost as if you’re not trying 😉

    If the only thing stopping you getting a resin printer is lack of space…. make space!! You won’t regret it (unlike just about every other resin printer owner who looks at their massive pile of unpainted minis and thinks “what have I done?”, you’ll be different. Honest)


    Cult of Games Member

    I have this mini arguement in my head everytime i see one on sale at a good price.

    I just need house prices to be slighly less crazy, then I can finally buy one and have all the space I want for minis and printers 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    If you’re into sci-fi, Anvil Digital Forge have a really nice looking release this month – it looks like some kind of virus-lab breakout thing, complete with infected scientists and a hazmat “cleanup” force (there are absolutely no parallels with The Event currently unfolding IRL).


    If anyone likes their zombie games, these might also be a nice set of minis for one of the introductory campaign games?

    I think this is going to be one of those sets I “collect digitally” with a view to using in some really cool campaign, some time far, far into the future when I’ve got loads of time at home and nothing to distract me from “the hobby” (no, not like the last twelve months, some other time – far, far in the future). I might get them and print a couple, just to see how the suits look painted up in bright orange or Citadel’s Iyanden Yellow contrast paint…..



    Cult of Games Member

    Don’t feel left out if you like fantasy – Titan Troll have a really good value package this month; they look like a bunch of bandits, thieves and robbers – but it’s the throwback freebie thrown in that really caught my eye for July


    Now, if we could just find a werewolf and a troll, we’d have a half-decent looking Night Watch…..

    (another one for the “digital collection” archives, methinks. I have some old Discworld pewter minis knocking about somewhere – maybe another set for that mythical time in the far, far future, when I’ve more time on my hands than hobbies to fill it with…..)


    Cult of Games Member

    A little while back I backed The 3dprintingpro Greg’s Pit Fighter game. Despite printing a couple of minis, I’ve never actually got around to playing it – though it was the rules (and the cool pit terrain) more than the minis that originally got me to jump aboard.

    So when Art of Mike put out some boxing characters this month, I could help but take a look.

    My wallet’s had a pounding this month, but if I skip a few meals thie month (ok, if I don’t go out for lunch quite so often) I might be able to scrape together enough pennies for this release too. Anyone looking for some cool boxing characters (either as NPCs or for something like PitFighter) could do a lot worse than these. As ever, the scuplts are really nice and “poppy” with some great details and interesting poses (even if the legs are a bit copy-and-paste).



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