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[unofficial weekender] The brain you have called is currently not available.

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This topic contains 22 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 3 years, 3 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy & paste ###

    First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…

    Introduce yourselves (New member thread)

    Read all of this before you start as it will save any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy & paste ###


    • Feeling sick (Flu, fever, coughs – the classic stuff) What are your most valued “home treatements”
    • How sick do you need to get to call in sick at work?
    • How often did a “I’m sick but I’ll go to work anyway. It’ll be fine.” bite you in the arse and you were totally out for some time?

    And now back to the show.


    Cult of Games Member

    Muuuuh as my brain says.

    • chicken soup! Hot, greasy and then get a good nights sleep.
    • When I feel so sick that I can’t really string a coherent thought. That’s when I stay at home. If your brain is that laggy don’t go into traffic.
    • I can’t recall because usually when I do get that sick I stay in bed in the first place.

    No music today but Knights Of Dice do a 24h charity stream:



    Cult of Games Member

    Happy Friday.

    My pledge is to build a new cake stand and then paint some wolves (for Frostgrave and Rangers  of Shadow Deep) and paint some giant snakes (for Rangers).
    We’ll also be trying out a Friend’s new game from Kickstarter called Catacombs.

    Feeling sick (Flu, fever, coughs – the classic stuff) What are your most valued “home treatements”

    Plenty of water and lots of rest. Simple and inexpensive.

    How sick do you need to get to call in sick at work?

    When it hurts to move or I’m debilitated in some other way. I’m not sure really, it’s been a while and each one is different.

    How often did a “I’m sick but I’ll go to work anyway. It’ll be fine.” bite you in the arse and you were totally out for some time?

    Every time. I’m terrible with that. (Obviously if I were to have any of the COVID symptoms I wouldn’t go to work before taking a test first.)



    Cult of Games Member

    hmm… caaaaaaaaaaaake….


    Cult of Games Member

    hmm… caaaaaaaaaaaake…

    My cakes have a blast radius. ?

    I was looking at the one from Mantic games but TTCombat just released that one for much less money so I went for it.



    Cult of Games Member

    This week’s pledge is to paint a 75mm mini. Then perhaps start on more Celts.


    1. Feeling sick (Flu, fever, coughs – the classic stuff) What are your most valued “home treatements” – just a nap. Rest helps immensely.
    2. How sick do you need to get to call in sick at work? – Unable to get out of bed, or feeling I’d be infectious to others.
    3. How often did a “I’m sick but I’ll go to work anyway. It’ll be fine.” bite you in the arse and you were totally out for some time? – Not happened yet.

    Cult of Games Member

    1) Feeling sick (Flu, fever, coughs – the classic stuff) What are your most valued “home treatements”
    Sleeping … lots of it. And maybe a long good warm shower
    drinking lots of stuff, I tend to crave ‘healthy’ stuff for some reason

    2) How sick do you need to get to call in sick at work?
    If I feel I can’t do a proper job and focus I call in sick.

    3) How often did a “I’m sick but I’ll go to work anyway. It’ll be fine.” bite you in the arse and you were totally out for some time?
    Never. I’ve had days when I felt bad before I got to work, but then everything was fine once I got there.
    I think cycling helps me wake up.

    Seeing Deadzone pop up … and me thinking : do I want to get into this ? More new shiny or more stuff to use in more games ?
    Need to rewatch some of the original demos.  I think not all the factions have squads/fireteams yet ?
    Enforcers look good.
    Marauders have a few cool looking minis,but I’d be tempted to replace them with GW Orks (I know. .. :D)


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s Saturday… still haven’t watched the Weekender (it was still only in 360p when I went to bed) and now I’ll need to cut some branches. Will watch Weekender later. Huzza…



    Almost got my last Murder Girl done, so that should be finished in a day or two, depending on focus and schoolwork…which relies on focus… Not doing to great with that right now. Either way, I’m almost onto the small details and the base, so she shouldn’t be too much longer.


    Feeling sick (Flu, fever, coughs – the classic stuff) What are your most valued “home treatments”

    Don’t really have any. Usually if I’m feeling sick I just carry on as normal and hope it doesn’t get any worse…

    How sick do you need to get to call in sick at work?

    I didn’t back out from climbing a rock face for school after pulling a muscle in my back…I used to call in more to work if I had brain issues than I ever did from being sick…

    How often did a “I’m sick but I’ll go to work anyway. It’ll be fine.” bite you in the arse and you were totally out for some time?

    Probably all the time, but I don’t keep track of that stuff very much, if I’m honest.


    Have some music!


    Cult of Games Member

    What music?! XD  Seems like YT is getting more restrictive by the day




    Restriction makes someone a lot of money, I guess… You’d have thought that music would be something you WANT to spread as far and wide as possible, but I guess some Suit decided otherwise… I’ll try and find another one…

    Wonder if these work…


    Cult of Games Member

    These do work


    Cult of Games Member

    saturday … time to watch Doctor Who (BBC Entertainment) and of course none of the things I wanted to do got done.
    I did get distracted by the mantic website, because I just had to see what Deadzone 3 is going to be like.

    Must admit that I’m not blown away by the minis, but I am starting to like the rules and overall gameplay mechanics.
    I can see why the guys thought it can compete with Killzone.

    The problem I see with that is looks matter more than people are willing to admit.
    GW’s products always look good. They may be expensive, but they look the part and you know what you’re getting.
    Mantic really aren’t on the same level.
    Part of that appears to be a design feature as the ‘line of sight’ mechanics in their previous versions forced them to give all units the same sort of pose …
    The re-designed rules appear to fix this, which may mean we get more dynamic looking minis in the future.

    So yeah … instead of finally getting some time to focus on one of my many projects that I have in my head I find myself tempted by new shiny. Probably could limit the ‘damage’ by using proxies (the Ork commando’s may make suitable replacements for DZ Mauraders), but no matter what I do there’s one more project idea that can go into my backlog.

    I really need to find a way to focus my hobby energy and stop it from evaporating as I get distracted by new shiny or delays in delivery.


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s Sunday.

    I did vote. (We’re having major elections now. See who will be Angela Merkels follow up…) I can say: if any of the two current ruling party is part of the newly elected system: NOT MY FAULT!

    Also I’m up way to early, had English’ish Breakfast and now coffee.

    On towards the XLBS!


    Cult of Games Member

    Also music:


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