Arcanists Clash With Ten Thunders In New Malifaux Starter Sets
February 14, 2023 by brennon
Wyrd Games have been showing off two new Starter Sets which are going to be landing for Malifaux in the month of March. The Arcanists are going to be clashing with the Ten Thunders as automata come up against brutal swordsmanship.
Arcanist Starter Box // Malifaux
As with all of the Starter Boxes from Wyrd Games for Malifaux, the miniatures are all preassembled and you get all of the other bits and pieces that you need to start playing the game. That means a Fate Deck and all the other gubbins.
This particular set is led by Harrison Frodsham who is ready to release his clockwork companions against his foes. You get Harris J-5 in the set alongside a pair of Gearlings. I think this would be a lot of fun to paint with a mix of blues Frodsham and Harris J-5 and then metallics which are perhaps washed with blue to give them a fascinating look and feel.
Perhaps going up against them, we have the Ten Thunders Starter Box which gives you another array of preassembled miniatures to get you going in Malifaux.
Ten Thunders Starter Set // Malifaux
The set comes with Koji, Kara and two Amai that are looking to kick ass and take names. I like that if you did go with these two sets, you'd have the warm colours on the Ten Thunders going up against the chilly blue of the Arcanists. It would be rather fancy to see it on the tabletop.
Through The Breach Supplement
Last but not least, there is also a supplement coming out for Through The Breach which is the roleplaying game set in the world of Malifaux.
From Shadows // Through The Breach
From Shadows matches up quite nicely with the miniatures we've just seen for the Ten Thunders. The book comes with rules for the Fated to play as Descended where the past influences the present. You'll also find Ceremonial Spells and Elemental Immuto plus a whole host of extra bits and pieces that can be used to make your Fated unique.
The two Starter Boxes and the new Through The Breach book are going to be available for you to snap up moving into the month of March.
Which set would you choose?
"Wyrd Games have been showing off two new Starter Sets which are going to be landing for Malifaux in the month of March..."
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Fab looking new figures.
The Arcanist box looks like a pared down reskin of the old Ramos crew box. Mechanical wonder and pain a plenty for those that get in the way of the mad inventors!