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Uruk Hai, the return! And more……..much much more

Uruk Hai, the return! And more……..much much more

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Well! I’ve got carried away again....

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Idea 10
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I buy them all off eBay. Always do, making sure they are caked in muck so I can afford them easier. Stripping minis is easy, just time required.
I often buy bundles of stuff so I get a right mix, bit of Uruk, few goblins, some humans and ohhhh a few elves!?! Well that was a bit o luck!

Trouble is I only bought them for the uruks. I say to myself ‘I’ll strip the odd bits and sell them on”.

It rarely happens, I’ve now got a Moria goblin contingent in the works. An elves of the last alliance army and a men of Numenor section!

Free wheels keep on turning, tyres keep on burning…no control.

So I think this unit of uruks will be my last bit of this project and I will open up a section on Morian night goblins! My cavalry will be a part of this new project too. No matter how much I want to pass wargs off as boars, they just look like wolves crossed with hyenas. So wolf riders they are, and now a part of the goblin contingent. I’ve posted some photos of a converted gobbo command and a converted gobbo shaman. As well as my warriors of the last alliance so far!

To the substance of this entry then, my final Uruk unit. This is my Uber unit, the command unit. Containing the big boss himself, the army standard, a couple of front row characters and a badass looking trumpeter! I got this Lass (could be, they don’t seem to be sexed) as part of a bundle off eBay. The sword was broken off and the left hand missing. Well, ball and chain with scratch built trumpet me thinks!

ive decided I’m going to paint them a little darker armoured than the others. More scarab shell black with edge highlights of shining silver so they look black armoured. A hand of Saruman on each shield for the warriors and on the faces of the command. I’m going to use them as black orcs in my game!

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