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‘Begun, this Clone Force has’ – starting out on Star Wars Legion

‘Begun, this Clone Force has’ – starting out on Star Wars Legion

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Padme joins the clones

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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10th July 2023

After finishing off Obi Wan it was onto Padme.

Unlike a friend of mine I don’t have a lot of beige paints, so had to think a bit on how to progress.

Images I have seen have her main clothing ranging from whites to off-whites, so i went with a thinned wash of Ivory over the white prime.

I then mixed up a wash from equal parts contrast medium and Soulblight Grey shade, with just a touch of Skeleton Horde contrast to give it warmth.

Actually pretty happy with how that came out.

I then went for Ushabti bone for the cloak, belt and boots. Followed by an ivory highlight on the upper parts of the cloak to emphasise things. After that I applied the same wash as above, with just a touch more of the Skeleton Horde Contrast. I thought that using the same basic shade would help tie the parts together.

Then It was just a case of picking out the weapons, and painting the flesh and hair. With the face, after painting the flesh tone I also added a thinned wash of Carroburg crimson to the lips and just under the eyes, to try to add a bit of ‘life’ to the features.

Padme joins the clones

Just the vehicles and their crew to go for this May 4th Deal Clone army…..

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