Get Rotten & Brutal With Westfalia’s MORK BORG Miniatures!

March 10, 2022 by brennon

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Westfalia Miniatures and their resident amazing sculptor Boris Woloszyn, have teamed up with the folks behind MORK BORG to create a range of miniatures drawn from the artwork of this heavy metal Fantasy roleplaying game.

MORK BORG Miniatures - Westfalia Miniatures

MORK BORG Miniatures Kickstarter // Westfalia Miniatures

The MORK BORG Miniatures that Boris has been working on are designed to cover the various "hero" classes that you can use in the game as a blueprint for your roleplaying characters. They have covered all of the classes from the core rulebook as well as a few from MORK BORG expansion content.

Goblin & Occult Herbmaster - Westfalia Miniatures

Goblin & Occult Herbmaster // Westfalia Miniatures

In addition to covering those player classes, the team has also designed some of the monsters that you'll run into during your travels through a dark and foreboding world. For example, the backstabbing Goblins are scampering around, ready to spread their curse to those they cut with their blades and nibble with their teeth.

Boris has also sculpted some incidental pieces which can be used to set the scene. This is the very MORK BORG-ian (totally a thing now) Quest Giver, offering up a tempting morsel of fame if you do its bidding.

The Quest Giver - Westfalia Miniatures

The Quest Giver // Westfalia Miniatures

All of the miniatures are exceptionally well sculpted; as you might have assumed thanks to Boris Woloszyn being in charge. They have all of the creepy character that you'd expect, drawing heavily from the MORK BORG artwork and giving us another glimpse into this world.

MORK BORG Heroes - Westfalia Miniatures

MORK BORG Heroes // Westfalia Miniatures

The miniatures are in 32mm scale and all come in resin. They have been painted up superbly here, giving you a sense of what you can do with the range when it lands on your tabletop.

MORK BORG Miniatures Pledge Options

When it comes to pledging for the miniatures, you can either go with the Rotten Bits (buy individual sculpts) pledge or Rotten Lands (everything!) pledge with plenty of options to enjoy.

MORK BORG Miniatures Pledge - Westfalia Miniatures

MORK BORG Miniatures Pledge // Westfalia Miniatures

This full pledge offers up the various heroes alongside a handful of foes including the aforementioned Goblin and the strange Undead Dolls. You've also got massive miniatures like the monstrous Troll!

Stretch Goals have, predictably, been knocked down at an alarming rate and now there is all manner of new options for people to have fun with.

MORK BORG Stretch Goals - Westfalia Miniatures

MORK BORG Stretch Goals // Westfalia Miniatures

I really liked the Jammed Door that speaks to the weird and twisted world of MORK BORG very nicely through environmental storytelling. You've, of course, also got the new foes and fiends for you to face as well.

The team isn't even sure where they go next from here. The funding level has soared so it will be interesting to see what else they add into the mix.

Are you going to be picking these up?

"In addition to covering those player classes, the team has also designed some of the monsters that you'll run into during your travels through a dark and foreboding world..."

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