A Song Of Ice & Fire Skirmishes Await In CMON’s Tactics

February 14, 2024 by brennon

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CMON are currently on Gamefound right now with their new take on the universe of A Song Of Ice & Fire. With their new Fantasy skirmish game, A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics hones in on the smaller clashes between iconic characters and their retinues on the tabletop rather than the larger battles.

A Song Of Ice & Fire Tactics Campaign - CMON

A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics - Campaign // CMON

At the heart of Tactics is a two-player skirmish miniatures game where you'll dive into specific, thematic scenarios. These fights take place throughout the history of Westeros from the Battle Of The Trident through to the Battle Beneath The Wall and the clashes in The Riverlands. There is even an immense set which offers up a chance to battle around the rampaging form of Drogon as he lays waste to a fortification.

A Song Of Ice & Fire Tactics Details - CMON

A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics - Details // CMON

Games of Tactics play right out of the box with no need for additional miniatures or components. You get all of the gubbins that you need to play inside each set and you also get the preassembled plastic miniatures that you don't have to paint if you'd prefer to just stick to the fighting! Talking of the miniatures, the range of figures from Tactics can also be dropped into your regular games of A Song Of Ice & Fire in its mass battle form.

Battle Of The Trident Targaryens - CMON

Battle Of The Trident - Targaryens // CMON

The core set for this particular campaign is based around the Battle Of The Trident but a lot more miniatures are also available from CMON for you to check out alongside different sets, unlocks and add-ons that can be used to bulk out your collection right away. Battle Of The Trident features the Targaryans and the Baratheons (alongside their various allies).

Battle Of The Trident Baratheons - CMON

Battle Of The Trident - Baratheons // CMON

This certainly provides fans of A Song Of Ice & Fire to get their hands on some favourite characters from the legendarium and I reckon that a lot of folks are going to be eager to get stuck in and start painting. At least with Tactics, you're not faced with armies and instead smaller groups of miniatures so it won't be as big of a chunk of your hobby time! Spend more time playing.

Gameplay also sounds fun for Tactics with coins being used to activate certain abilities. Gold and Silver can be used to activate powerful abilities but Cooper is the only resource that comes back so you'll need to make damn sure you use the right abilities at the right time.

That, combined with the warband building and the multiple paths towards victory leads me to believe that A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics might be worth diving into. You can check out more about the rules HERE.

Could you be tempted by A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics?

"I reckon that a lot of folks are going to be eager to get stuck in and start painting the various miniatures..."

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