Become The Mad Scientist In Horror Board Game, My Father’s Work

April 29, 2021 by fcostin

Supported by (Turn Off)

I am often torn by the life of Frankenstein's monster, thinking about how I would have treated him if I were in the Doctor's shoes. Not that I would have undergone piecing together man and beast! Well, in the brand new Kickstarter, My Father's Work, you can step straight into those Victorian hook-fastened shoes! You will take the role of a mad scientist on the brink of human experimentation. In the brand new Horror board game from Renegade Game Studios.

My Father's Work // Renegade Game Studios

As if the stress of a Mad Scientist is not enough! Two to four players will need to compete against one another to finish their father's unfinished business. And by business, I mean defying all laws against morals and ethics by engaging in some serious human experimentation. The goal is simple - you will want to reap fame and glory to become the most successful scientist the world has ever seen, and go down in history.

My Father's Work // Renegade Game Studios

The game boasts an incredibly immersive story-telling experience, providing players with not just the storybook, but a companion app that will work closely with your campaign updating new events as they unfold.

Each decision counts within the game and can diversify the narrative each time you play. You can cause chaos for yourself (which is more than likely - it wasn't exactly puppies and rainbows in the Victorian Era!), or make your adventures easier to overcome.  Making the replayability factor high as the outcomes will be determined by yourself - and your competitors.

My Father's Work // Renegade Game Studios

In each generation (a slayer is born) (it felt wrong almost to not complete that sentence), a player will need to put in the hard work and effort to achieve the greatest scientific success. By gathering ingredients by foraging, will enable players to make a world of different concoctions and mutations to perfect their craft. The deeper you get, the more ambitious the projects become. You may want to build a "Glorious Chimerical Abomination". Nobody wants to be named an 'abomination' - the poor creature is destined to hate the world if his name has 'Abomination' on it!

But do be cautious, as there are villagers sharpening their pitchforks and igniting their torches just as they did for poor Frankenstein's monster. And you will need to keep an eye on them that they aren't brewing for an argument of insanity!

My Father's Work // Renegade Game Studios

The deeper the players get into the game, the more areas and locations will become available with new items, decisions and stories to engage in across different parts of the map.

You may be placed in those little Victorian Mastermind Shoes, but it does not make you invincible - if anything you are practically expected to die to pass on your life's work across three generations. Each time a player dies, they will pass down their hard work and knowledge to their related successor allowing them to continue the ongoing legacy.

Although the campaign may have been funded at a fast pace, there are lots of stretch goals still available to reach. Including component upgrades, more detailing to the rulebook and a cheeky upgrade to the game's miniatures - yes, I said miniatures! With 14 days to go, this is certainly a board game immersive adventure that you will not want to miss. So be sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign.

Ironically, you will be creating monsters and becoming the mad scientist monster yourself to complete your father's immoral life-long studies.

What do you think of this brand new Kickstarter? 

"You may be placed in those little Victorian Mastermind Shoes, but it does not make you invincible - if anything you are practically expected to die to pass on your life's work across three generations. Each time a player dies, they will pass down their hard work and knowledge to their related successor allowing them to continue the ongoing legacy."

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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