Bolt Action Goes Big! New Battle Of The Bulge Starter Sets Stage For WW2 Wargaming #OTTWeekender

July 5, 2024 by avernos

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It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show, we talk about the newly revealed Starter Set for the next edition of Bolt Action where the fighting moves to the Battle Of The Bulge. Brand new plastic kits for the US and the Germans are on the way alongside a reworking and updating of the core rules for the most well-known World War 2 wargame.


Pre-orders are live for the new edition of Bolt Action now covering the Starter Set and the Rulebook ahead of the release of the game in late September. Are you going to be picking up the new Starter Set and will you be playing as the Winter US or the Winter Germans and those deadly Fallschirmjäger?

Comment To Win! A Gentleman’s War - Bolt Action Starter Set

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Indie Of The Week - Castaway Art

Explore an awesome range of historical miniatures from Castaway Art covering both Biblical and Colonial eras on the tabletop with a range of excellent 28mm metal miniatures.

Check Out More Of Castaway Art

Could you be tempted by some of those funky camels for all those battles in the desert?

Tabletop Gaming News

Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week that caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"

Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!

3D Printing Is The S**t!

We dive back into the range from Ill Gotten Games and explore the terrain, monsters and more that they have been adding to MyMiniFactory for their games and also whatever other Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Pulp game you might have in your collection.

Ill Gotten Games On MyMiniFactory

Ill Gotten Games Website

Ill Gotten Games do some awesome games and have a fun, quirky range of miniatures that might make your miniature collection that little more unique.

Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters

Check out a couple of fun Kickstarters looking at some awesome vehicles for use in your Pulp games and a brand new Napoleonic range in 15mm.

Could you be tempted to have the Trotters racing away from zombies? Maybe you're going to be picking up a new 15mm British or French army for the Napoleonic Wars?

Comment To Win! A Gentleman’s War - Bolt Action Starter Set

Make sure to dive into the comments and let us know what you think of this week's show!

Have A Great Weekend!

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