Old-School 90’s Gaming Magic! Relive It Today With Urban War #OTTWeekender

October 27, 2023 by avernos

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It's OTTWeekender Time! In this week's Weekender we have a chat about a 90s old-school gaming classic that could end up helping is relive the 90s and that epic wargaming magic. Could Urban War help us relive it today in the here and now? We also take a look at an immense range of miniatures from SolGood Creations over on Kickstarter that should be a collector's dream!


Did you play the original Urban War and if not, could you be tempted by these re-released miniatures to see if they can help you recapture that magic? Which of the epic dioramas from SolGood Creations would you go for if you got stuck into the Kickstarter.

Comment To Win! Sci-Fi City Ruins (YouTube) & Fantasy Elven Woods + Land Of The Giants (OTT)

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Indie Of The Week - Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers

Want some awesome terrain to build epic dungeons and other tabletop layouts for your wargames? Archon Studio have an immense range of plastic terrain!

Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers Range

Archon Studio's Rampart Terrain Range

Archon Studio's Promo Code = ONTABLETOP10 (Valid For Two Weeks)

Make sure to check out the ranges in full and use that promo code to get money off your terrain!

Tabletop Gaming News

Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week that caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"

Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!

Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters

We dive into two awesome Kickstarter which are offering up a great board game and an absolute treasure chest of digital miniatures.

Could you be tempted by those ace dioramas or perhaps will you attempt to dive, dive, dive into U-BOOT?

Comment To Win! Sci-Fi City Ruins (YouTube) & Fantasy Elven Woods + Land Of The Giants (OTT)

Make sure to dive into the comments and let us know what you think of this week's show!

Have A Great Weekend!

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