Call Of Duty On The Tabletop! Spectre’s New Edition No-Scopes Modern Warfare #OTTWeekender

November 24, 2023 by avernos

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It's OTTWeekender time! Fed up of being taken out by try hards on Call Of Duty? Have a look at the awesome new modern warfare era 28mm miniatures from Spectre Operations which could totally get more video gamers stuck into some tabletop wargames.

With some great new Taskforce miniatures that you can use to build your specialist Spec Ops teams, you can play out Hollywood-style action movies on the tabletop, bank heists and more OR go straight in and play out some of those more modern conflicts like those from the Gulf War. Whichever approach you want to take, Spectre Miniatures have a great range and a solid set of rules, especially with the new edition!


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As always, dive into the comments and tell us all your thoughts about the show this week and what we chat about!

Dungeonalia Coming Soon - 1st December!

We have a brand new community event starting on 1st December. Dive into creating all sorts of awesome dungeons be they Fantasy, Sci-Fi or something in-between.

Learn More About Dungeonalia

As well as having categories dedicated to building dungeons in different ways, we're also going to be getting folks involved with storytelling and building bands of adventurers and monsters to enter said dungeons!

Indie Of The Week - Vanguard Miniatures

We continue the look at small-scale miniatures this week with some peeks at the "epic" work that has been done by Vanguard Miniatures and some of their companions when it comes to building little armies.

Check Out More From Vanguard Miniatures

If you're someone playing classic Epic or looking to actually add some Xenos into Legions Imperialis, this seems to be the place to go. Additionally, there are some great miniatures here for those wanting to dive into some Battlefleet Gothic.

Tabletop Gaming News

Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week that caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"

Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!

3D Printing Is The S**t!

We have a look at some awesome 3D Printable tiles from the folks at HexWorld.

Check Out More From HexWorld On MyMiniFactory

These would be great for those who are looking to expand their wargames into full campaigns. If you need a map to battle on, this could be the way to go.

Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters

Dive into some awesome Kickstarter campaigns from some smaller companies that you might have missed. We have some Dark Age Warfare and ways to enhance your battles across the stars in Sci-Fi wargames.

Could you be tempted by some of these campaigns and if so, which ones have caught your eye?

Make sure to dive into the comments and let us know what you think of this week's show!

Have A Great Weekend!

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