Get Your Hands On New Beestwars Miniatures From Gary Hunt!

November 13, 2023 by brennon

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Gary Hunt Miniatures is back on Kickstarter with a new campaign looking to bring a whole host of new miniatures to their Beestwars range. The new range of 32mm scale miniatures adds Barbarians, Dwarves (with added tusks!) and more into the mix.

Beestwars Tabletop Minis And Terrain - Gary Hunt Miniatures

Beestwars: Tabletop Minis And Terrain // Gary Hunt Miniatures

Throughout the collection, you're going to get over thirty new sculpts that cover the 32mm humanoids and then the massive minotaurs that stomp across the battlefield at around 56mm in size. All of the miniatures are available as STL Files meaning that you can get them pretty quickly once the campaign has finished and add them to your 3D Printing queue!

Breaking things down, there are some pretty awesome miniatures on display amongst this collection. For example, you have these epic new minotaurs.

Clovis Juggernaut - Beestwars

Clovis Juggernaut // Beestwars

This is just one of the miniatures from their faction and you can also get your hands on minotaurs that come armed with bows, morning stars, glaives and more. Additionally, one of the first unlocks for the campaign was this rather awesome Clovis Bigman On Tree Throne.

Clovis Bigman On Tree Throne - Beestwars

Clovis Bigman On Tree Throne // Beestwars

One of my favourite sets of miniatures from the new Kickstarter are for the Tuskers. If you're looking to get your hands on some Dwarves but with a bit of a twist, these warriors seem like a good option!

Dwarven Tuskers - Beestwars

Dwarven Tuskers // Beestwars

The Tuskers look to bring together elements of hogs, boars and warthogs in their design which works quite nicely when you think of all of the boar motifs that you see used in traditional Fantasy Dwarf armies. In this case, Gary Hunt has turned this up to eleven and it's great seeing the different options for this particular force.

Another of my favourites are the Crocodile Men. I think crocodiles are pretty awesome creatures that managed to survive the extinction of the dinosaurs and they always look awesome and battle scarred when you see them in the wild. So, them getting a faction of their own sounds awesome.

Crocodile Men - Beestwars

Crocodile Men // Beestwars

Once again, there is a great mix of different miniatures for this faction so you can get started with a full warband if you saw fit. Make sure to protect those mangrove swamps, sneaking through the water as you drag unsuspecting travellers into the murk!

The classic Hyenamen are also back as part of this new Beestwars Kickstarter. They come mounted on the back of their fearsome warbeasts with a mix of shape-shifters (like the miniature below) and regular humans who simply embody the aspect of these deadly killers.

Hyenamen - Beestwars

Hyenamen // Beestwars

If you're looking for something a bit different, you've also got these Dust Devils. I like the idea of them as deadly encounters that you run into as you're travelling the sandy plains of this world. You can make a full warband of them led by a Soul Destroyer which tells you everything you need to know about these killers!

Dust Devil - Beestwars

Dust Devil // Beestwars

Going back to humans for a moment, you can also get your hands on the Northern Barbarians as well. These wintery warriors have come to plunder other lands and it's nice to see a mix of different design ideas throughout the miniature design.

Northern Barbarian - Beestwars

Northern Barbarian // Beestwars

Another of the returning factions for Beestwars are the Geladan. Those who have looked at Gary Hunt's work in the past will be very familiar with them.

Geladan Shaman - Beestwars

Geladan Shaman // Beestwars

The Geladan are getting themselves some new stuff to play with as part of this particular project including the Shaman that you see here and another with a fire stick. Another fun and interesting design that feels very different from other ranges out there. I think that goes for everything that Gary Hunt produces!

Last but not least, we also have this impressive new Dragon. You can snap up the Great Basilisk Of Arkhabbath for use in your storytelling on the tabletop.

Great Basilisk of Arkhabbath - Beestwars

Great Basilisk of Arkhabbath // Beestwars

More is available throughout the Kickstarter including Stretch Goals to be unlocked and plenty of Add-Ons for you to throw into the mix. If you're looking to get your hands on some great, unique miniatures for a different Fantasy world, perhaps check out what Gary Hunt Miniatures are offering over on Kickstarter.

Could you be tempted by the world of Beestwars and these new 3D printable miniatures?

"If you're looking to get your hands on some great, unique miniatures for a different Fantasy world, perhaps check out what Gary Hunt Miniatures are offering..."

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