A Guardian Stands Tall & Fane Knights Take Shape For Warmachine

December 15, 2016 by brennon

Adding to the set of releases for this month from Privateer Press we have another Protectorate Of Menoth Warjack for you to take a look at, the Guardian. There's also some new Retribution models on the way too in the world of Warmachine!

Guardian Heavy Warjack

"Covered in holy script and able to channel the divine power of Menoth’s clergy through its arc node, the Guardian is a walking icon of the Creator’s might. It is one of the most versatile weapons in the Protectorate’s arsenal, and its presence inspires the faithful to righteous fury. Sanctified and blessed to serve as the bane of profane spellcasters, the imposing Indictor is a bastion of spiritual power against which the foes of the Protectorate must tremble in fear."

Once again we're seeing some great looking sculpts for Menoth and here we have another walking alter to their faith. The design of the arms isn't quite as nice here but I like the massive spear and those intricately patterned shoulder pads.

Fane Knights

Doug Hamilton, one of their sculptors, also explored the way the Fane Knight Guardian came to life for Retribution Of Scyrah.

Fane Knight Guardian #1

Quite fittingly both the mighty walker above and this solo are Guardians but of a different sort. The design is neat, though, his feet set ready to receive a charge and then strike back with that cruel looking spear.

Fane Knight Guardian #2

The idea was to retain as much of the design as possible from the artwork with the fins and such adorning the helmet and shoulder pad. They also wanted him to look like he was totally committed to defending the Warcaster he was charged to protect. I reckon they got that look.

Are you a Menoth or Retribution player?

"Doug Hamilton, one of their sculptors, also explored the way the Fane Knight Guardian came to life for Retribution Of Scyrah..."

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