Unboxing: Conquest Vargyr Lord (Artisan Series) | Para Bellum Games

March 27, 2024 by avernos

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Gerry dives into an unboxing of one of the gorgeous 35mm Artisan Series miniatures from Para Bellum Games for Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and First Blood. Here, we have the Nords' Vargyr Lord who will be rampaging across the battlefield.


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The Vargyr are some of the coolest additions to the Nords range in a while and if you're looking to rock that werewolf vibe on the tabletop with your army, this is the way to go. The Artisan Series miniatures are also superb special miniatures for Conquest but the regular miniatures still absolutely rock.

Will you be getting your hands on a Vargyr Lord?

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