Community Spotlight: Lumbering Monsters, A Busty Dredd & Grimdark Assassins

March 15, 2023 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

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Moonstone by irishsteve

We start off this week with a look at the work by irishsteve who has been painting up some more Moonstone for their collection. They are going to be attending a tournament at Adepticon this year and so have been working away on some stunning miniatures from this range.

Moonstone #1 by irishsteve 23

For example, above we have an alternative miniature for the impressive Loubard. The amount of work that has gone into detailing this miniature is just sublime and I love the subtle and very arty shading that has been used across the model's musculature.

As well as Loubard, you also have my favourite from the recent crop of miniatures. Bristlenose is looking absolutely fantastic, especially when you get right in there and get a look at all those facial features.

Moonstone #2 by irishsteve 23

Even each of his whisker-like eyebrows has been picked out really delicately and those eyes look sleepy and very, very annoyed. I like all the different textures that they have been able to bring out from the miniature from that skin through to the leather, ropes and the battered old wheelbarrow.

Last but not least, we have Knoll. There were a bunch of other characters made by irishsteve for this particular entry in their Moonstone project but I have a soft spot for all the big burly fellows.

Moonstone #3 by irishsteve 23

Again, the painting here is wonderful and I like that this chap looks so very different from the other big monsters we've seen. The extra splashes of colour here and there really make Knoll pop, especially when seeing how he has been tied into the natural base. Another amazing bit of painting! Make sure to check out the project for even more.


Judge Dredd Bust by soapdodger

Next up, we're looking at a focused project by soapdodger who has been working on a bust for Judge Dredd. The bust itself comes from East Man on MyMiniFactory and was 3D Printed and made ready for a good lick of paint!

Judge Dredd Bust #1 by soapdodger

soapdodger has documented most of the thought processes that went into bringing this bust to life. You might not see it here but the initial stages of the miniature were finished with Xpress Color which allowed them to get the block colours down and get that poppy comic book colour looking just right. THEN, soapdodger wanted to dive in and get more details down and that's what you see above.

Judge Dredd Bust #2 by soapdodger

The final look for the bust is pretty special and I love the over-the-top plinth that has been made to house the bust. As soapdodger themselves say, the black and white background really makes the miniature pop and shows off all the work that has gone into it. It almost looks like the cover of a graphic novel collection.

Busts are one of those elements of the hobby that can be a real challenge to bring to life well. I think soapdodger has done a sterling job on this one!


Warhammer Assassin by fleboy

Last but not least, we have fleboy who has been working away on a rather impressive diorama/vignette. Rather than picking up the official miniature for this Warhammer Assassin, they found one online and decided to bring it to life in rather fine style.

Assassin #1 by fleboy

The miniature was 3D Printed and then fleboy used a lot of tutorials including our very own Gerry Can videos to work on the different elements of the terrain. I think fleboy has done a really great job on the actual collapsed statue, bringing out all of the dirt and grime whilst also making the miniature pop at the same time.

Assassin #2 by fleboy

The finished piece is one that would be wonderful to see displayed but would also look equally as good when situated on the tabletop as a piece of terrain as well. Those pesky Assassins tend to find themselves everywhere so I like the idea of plonking this on the table and seeing if your opponent notices!

Assassin #3 by fleboy

Another short but completed project that shows off a whole range of different techniques for bringing your terrain to life more than anything. I think the rust effects in particular look superb and have been used just liberally enough! It's nice to see people starting and finishing a project in good order, showing that not everything has to be massive army builds that last years!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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