Burrows & Badgers
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Let's dive back into another episode of Cult Of Games XLBS as we talk more about the hobby we've been getting up to and some of our plans for the future that we'd like feedback on.
Oathsworn Miniatures have now released the newest of their Journals. Burrows & Badgers fans will be able to download Issue #3 for free which contains new rules and lore for their Fantasy world of anthropomorphic animals.
Oathsworn Miniatures have revisited some of their classic sculpts from the Burrows & Badgers collection. The hero and villain that you see below were some of the first to be sculpted and so they have become quite attached to them!
Come and join Gerry, Ben, Free and Justin for another episode of Cult Of Games XLBS where we're diving into more hobby and asking about the blurring of the lines between miniatures wargames and board/card games.
Oathsworn Miniatures has now launched their Kickstarter for The Dark, The Devout And The Heroic. New beasts and undead spirits are ranging the lands of Northymbra as the fundraiser looks to bring a mass of new metal and resin Fantasy miniatures to Burrows & Badgers.
Stunning miniatures from The Barons' War, Titan-Forge's excellent Fantasy Samurai range and even a dive into Burrows & Badgers feature this week!
The Dark, The Devout And The Heroic is the new Kickstarter campaign from Oathsworn Miniatures which is launching on 29th March. This quick campaign, which will run until 2nd April, will offer up a brand new selection of Fantasy miniatures for Burrows & Badgers.
We dive back into Cult Of Games XLBS to find out what everyone has been up to recently when it comes to hobby. Warren is back with us and he has loads to show off including a full game!
A new wargaming miniature painting tutorial for today as John works on the Hare Warrior from Oathsworn Miniatures' Burrows & Badgers.
WIN The Best WW2 15mm Wargaming Starter Set; Flames Of War Hit The Beach #OTTWeekender
4 years ago 52This week on the OTT Weekender! We've got an excellent WW2 Flames Of War Starter Set for you to pick up getting you started in 15mm wargaming!
Oathsworn Miniatures have set up a facebook group to open up playtesting for their tabletop sports game of Furball. Set in Burrows & Badgers Universe it will let people play out the fastest field sport in the world on the tabletop.
Oathsworn Miniatures haven't been able to launch the Kickstarter that they wanted to for Burrows & Badgers yet but in place of that, they have released their first Oathsworn Journal!
With 2021 just around the corner we should soon be seeing Oathsworn Miniatures head back to Kickstarter for another project focused on bringing to life characters from their Fantasy world of Burrows & Badgers.
We have some suitably evil-looking Warhammer characters and monsters to show off this week plus something furry for you to check out too!
We're back for another Cult Of Games XLBS where Ben, Gerry and Lloyd are venturing into the topic of extinct games which should maybe be given a chance to return to life!
Stuck In Lockdown? WIN Vouchers In Our Leisure League! + Midlam Miniatures’ Fantasy Cultists FTW!
4 years ago 70We're looking at Midlam Miniatures' ace Fantasy range, introducing you to the Lockdown Leisure League in collaboration with Wayland Games AND you could win World War III: Team Yankee Soviets!
Oathsworn Miniatures have been working away in the background on all sorts of new bits and pieces for the world of Burrows & Badgers.
Oathsworn Miniatures has updated us on what's happening with their next Kickstarter for Burrows & Badgers.
Oathsworn Miniatures showed off a few new previews for Burrows & Badgers and their upcoming (fingers crossed!) Kickstarter campaign later in the Autumn.
Normal service has been resumed and we're back for another soupcon of Sunday morning slabber as we get down with our hobby-selves and explore the quality of our quartets quest for hobby fulfilment.
The Burrows & Badgers world from Oathsworn Miniatures is greeting a few new residents after a few more previews popped up on their Facebook Group for the game.
Some great new miniatures this week from the realm of the grimdark, something more High Sci-Fi and also a bit furry too.
It's another jam-packed this Sunday with Ben and Warren vying for the title of most hobby completed in a week.
Oathsworn Miniatures has teased a few more sculpts which are on the Fantasy workbench right now.
Come and join us this week for another Community Spotlight looking at Warhammer 40,000, Flames Of War and a bit of Burrows & Badgers
The most important day of the week has rolled around and it's time to bask in the sheer unadulterated hobby from the crew and the wider Cultists.
Oathsworn Miniatures has been showing off some more of the sculpting they've been up to for the world of Burrows & Badgers.
This week we're looking at some strange Lovecraftian investigators, furry friends in isolation and finally some tiny Napoleonic soldiers.
Come and take a peek at some of the hobby that we've been doing this week as we talk electronics, working on World War II Australians, Burrows & Badgers critters and more. This is a big deep dive into all sorts of hobby.
Sarissa Precision has been tinkering on a new terrain piece for those playing Burrows & Badgers.
Make sure to come and join us for another hobby-filled chat as part of the Cult Of Games XLBS. We've got a lot of tiny fighting men to take a peek at this week!
If you're looking to add to your Burrows & Badgers collection then check out the two-player campaign, The Warren Percy Affair, which went up on the Oathsworn Miniatures webstore over the weekend.
Oathsworn Miniatures has been trying to help those stuck in isolation right now as they designed some Solo Play Rules for those diving into Burrows & Badgers.
It's Sunday again CoGs, join with our pantless peons as they take a load off and offer up a hobby lasagne made with layers of hobby from themselves and the wider community.
With The Warren Percy Affair supplement coming soon for Burrows & Badgers, Oathsworn Miniatures sneaked us a look at a new character which is joining the cast alongside its release.
It's Easter Sunday and time to kick back, put your feet up and consume all the chocolate you can before breakfast and join us as we get into a bit of hobby, both the teams and the greater OTTer community.
Ben is using this extra time to do a bit of extra hobby work and shows off some of his Burrows & Badgers miniatures. You can show off your work by starting a Project!
We're looking at some community streams, painting tutorials and a snippet from the wider Infinity world today in Community Spotlight.
No, not that. Something much much worse. Warren and Gerry have downloaded an "app" to attempt to play virtual online games!! But before that horror show, we have some real hobby to look at.
We're starting up the Spring Cleaning Hobby Challenge AND putting a call out to exhibitors and content creators from cancelled events to join us for a new endeavour!
Oathsworn Miniatures recently shared one of the elements which got cut from the release of Burrows & Badgers due to space.
Oathsworn Miniatures are busy fulfilling their latest Kickstarter but they also found some time to preview a new alternative miniature for Grimnir One-Eye, the Hare Warrior that many will have seen over on their webstore.