Is Your FLGS Part Of The Championship Circuit For FFG?

October 5, 2015 by stvitusdancern

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I think it is safe to say that Fantasy Flight Games is at the top when it comes to supporting their games with tournament play. They have just announced the 2016 championship season for several of their titles.

What I also like is this starts at the store level and just goes to show you how much Fantasy Flight Games understands the importance of supporting their fellow retailers by helping to drawn in new customers as well as retaining current customers.

The in-store tournaments will run from January 1st thru March 31, 2015, the winners of these will be then qualified for the World Championships usually in November of that year, held at Fantasy Flight Games in Minnesota. There are many other activities planned as well, the games included in the championships for 2016 are:

So grab your favorite game and get practicing, because January will be here before you know it and make sure your store is in the circuit!

Do you play competitively or casually?

"...Fantasy Flight Games understands the importance of supporting their fellow retailers by helping to drawn in new customers as well as retaining current customers"

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