HeroQuest Heads To The Jungles Of Delthrak With New Quest Pack

June 10, 2024 by brennon

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Avalon Hill are taking pre-orders for a brand-new expansion to HeroQuest. You can now head into the Jungles Of Delthrak with new heroes, monsters and plenty of new quests for you to undertake.

Jungles Of Delthrak Quest Pack - HeroQuest

Jungles Of Delthrak Quest Pack // HeroQuest

In the depths of the jungle, a sacred Dwarven artefact has been stolen and a blight has infested the jungle. You can dive into a new choose-you-own-adventure storyline with either the Berserker or the Explorer as well as your classic heroes from previous HeroQuest expansions. The set comes packed with sixteen scenarios for you to play through and there is plenty of replay value included too because of the nature of the way the quests play out.

Jungles Of Delthrak Quest Pack Contents - HeroQuest

Jungles Of Delthrak Quest Pack - Contents // HeroQuest

Inside the set, you get the aforementioned Berserker and Explorer heroes alongside new foes like the Giant Ape, Serpent, Blightcrawler, Goblin Warlock and more. There are also plenty of new terrain and trap elements in the sets, illustrating the new environment that you'll be adventuring through. This set looks great and seems like a fun new option for those who have already dived quite deep into the revamped HeroQuest from Avalon Hill.

Jungles Of Delthrak Quest Pack Miniatures - HeroQuest

Jungles Of Delthrak Quest Pack - Miniatures // HeroQuest

The set also comes with all of the game cards that you need to get stuck into your games. You will need the core HeroQuest set to use Jungles Of Delthrak but this might be a fun next step, especially if you've already played through the existing revamped expansions.

Jungles Of Delthrak Quest Pack Cards - HeroQuest

Jungles Of Delthrak Quest Pack - Cards // HeroQuest

A lot of folks seem to have been diving back into HeroQuest since Avalon Hill worked on bringing back this classic and it's ace that this has been both a nostalgia trip for some and an awesome entry point into the tabletop gaming world for a new bunch of young gamers.

Are you going to be pre-ordering Jungles Of Delthrak?

"Inside the set, you get the aforementioned Berserker and Explorer heroes alongside new foes like the Giant Ape, Serpent, Blightcrawler, Goblin Warlock and more..."

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