Weekender: D-Day German Launch & WIN Aeronautica Imperialis

September 7, 2019 by ludicryan

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Come and join us for another mammoth episode of the Weekender where we're taking a peek at Aeronautica Imperialis and much more from the tabletop gaming world.

Weekender: D-Day German Launch & WIN Aeronautica Imperialis

Weekender Podcast Download

As always, we like hearing what you have to say and your comments this week could snag you a copy of Aeronautica Imperialis!

Bolt Action: Korea Tournament

We are going to be running a Bolt Action: Korea Tournament and play day here at the studio on October 5th and whilst it is ticketed to just 10 players entry is free.

So, watch out for the tickets going live for Backstagers tomorrow morning as part of the Weekender XLBS and then get your armies ready for October. We are going to have prizes for those involved including medals and special Bolt Action Dice.

D-Day German Live Launch

Today is the day when the live Launch Blog for the D-Day German release comes to Battlefront's blog. Make sure to check it out over the weekend as they talk about all things German as the Axis forces try and hold back the Allied invasion forces.

Aeronautica Imperialis Unboxed - Comment To Win!

We take some time to delve into the Aeronautica Imperialis core set which you can snag for yourself over on Store.OnTableTop and see what you think of the goodies inside.

We're very excited for when someone in the community or at Games Workshop works out a way to mix this in with Adeptus Titanicus.

Weekender: D-Day German Launch & WIN Aeronautica Imperialis


We go through some news from the tabletop world...

Make sure to drop more of your thoughts on the news into the comments below!


We have three Kickstarters for you to delve into this week...

Which of the Kickstarters will you be looking at in more detail?

Have a great weekend!

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