Gubbins & Ibubesi Join Your Crew For Freebooter’s Fate!

January 11, 2017 by brennon

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Two new personalities are getting ready to set sail for Freebooter's Fate. What fantastical adventures await Gubbins and Ibubesi on the high seas?

Gubbins #1

Gubbins seems to like playing with explosives which does tend to be a bad thing for most goblins!

Gubbins #2

With a whole bunch of rockets on his back, he will be blowing holes in ships and probably losing a few fingers too. He can be used with Goblin Pirates and the rules for him can be found within Tales Of Longfall #3 "Big Trouble".

Taking a decidedly more normal approach to fighting we have Ibubesi who carries around a big axe and a mysterious chest.

Ibubesi #1

This old chieftain looks like he has spent a fair amount of time travelling about fighting for whatever cause will take him. He is a Mercenary who won't fight for the Amazons or Brotherhood. Bad blood perhaps?

Ibubesi #2

Wearing all manner of different pieces of clothes from a mix of cultures and an axe that wouldn't look out of place in the world of Conan I want to know more about his travels. Plus, what's in that chest?

What do you think of these two new characters?

"With a whole bunch of rockets on his back, he will be blowing holes in ships and probably losing a few fingers too!"

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