DUCK ME! 15mm Minis That Look 28mm; Your New Historical Army Awaits #OTTWeekender

April 30, 2021 by lloyd

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It's OTTWeekender Time! We have a look at some epic 15mm minis that Lloyd swears look 28mm! This Indie team might just be what you need for your new Historical army!

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Check Out The Podcast

As always, make sure to dive into the comments and tell us all of your thoughts about the show this week and what we chat about!

Indie Of The Week - Totentanz Miniatures

Gerry has a stunner of an Indie Of The Week for you this week in Totentanz Miniatures.

Check Out More From Totentanz Miniatures Here

I think that Lloyd might have found some new miniatures to buy up for his 15mm collection. What from their range caught your eye?

Tabletop Gaming News

Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week which caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"

Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!

3D Printing Is The S**t

Get a look at the Fantasy and Horror offerings from Battle Yak Miniatures.

Battle Yak Miniatures On Patreon

Battle Yak Miniatures On MyMiniFactory

Are you a fan of their range? I love the selection of Sharkmen in particular for use in your Fantasy games.

Tabletop Gaming News

See what you make of these fundraisers we've picked out from this week on the funding platform...

Let us know if you'll be checking out these projects in the comments down below.

Make sure to check out all of this tabletop goodness and have a great weekend of gaming fun.

Stay Safe!

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