Weekender: WIN Joan Of Arc Siege Box & Oathsworn Adventure Into The Deepwood

September 28, 2019 by lloyd

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We've got a massive show for you today and with TWO interviews to get stuck into about upcoming Kickstarters we also find some time to explore the news from this week too.

Weekender: WIN Joan Of Arc Siege Box & Oathsworn Adventure Into The Deepwood

Weekender Podcast Download

Make sure to get involved in the comments below and tell us what you think about what we're covering today in the show.

Prodos PSA

So, we were alerted to an email that went out to Prodos Games customers concerning AVP and the Kickstarter project from a few years ago. There is only around a week left for you to get in contact if you are missing many or just a few things from your pledge.

You need to email [email protected] and let them know what you're missing and hopefully, they'll find a way to get your stuff to you.


As well as that we're also diving into some key news that got us interested this week...

Are you going to be snapping up any of these goodies?

Weekender: WIN Joan Of Arc Siege Box & Oathsworn Adventure Into The Deepwood

Shadowborne Games' Oathsworn: Into The Deepwood - Check Out The Kickstarter HERE

We take some time to talk with the creator behind Oathsworn: Into The Deepwood about this absolutely astoundingly lovely looking game with a rich narrative and fascinating combat which has you battling against some deadly foes.

Time Of Legends: Joan Of Arc 1.5

As well as our chat with Shadowborne we also talk with Az & Leo from Mythic Games about their adventures back onto Kickstarter with the new version of the rules for Joan Of Arc and expansions which introduce the fantastic looking 15mm Teutonic Knights and their adventures against nefarious foes.

Make sure to tell us your thoughts on the show and its topics in the comments below...

Have a great weekend!

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