What Is Maladum? Battle Systems’ New Dungeon Crawler – Final Hours On Kickstarter!

April 3, 2023 by avernos

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With only a day or so left of the Maladum: Dungeons Of Enveron Kickstarter campaign from Battle Systems, Gerry talks to Colin about just what is Maladum and why you should be checking out their new Dungeon Crawler and Fantasy miniatures game.


Maladum: Dungeons Of Enveron On Kickstarter

Check Out Their Sci-Fi Game - Core Space

Check Out More From Battle Systems Here

Colin talks about the world of Maladum and the different kinds of adventures that you and your friends can have by getting involved with this Kickstarter campaign. Battle Systems did a sterling job with their Sci-Fi game, Core Space, and Maladum is looking like it is going to be another hit.

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